Absolutely nuts if you were raised Catholic/Christian, but in general it's fun horror schlock. A big improvement on The Haunting series the same crew did. The characters are actually interesting and not just annoying.

  • Tripbin [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    I really liked it. I know people shit on the monologues but I expect them from him by now and I kinda like them. Theyre weird but they work. Especially some of the ones in Hill House.

  • Goblin [any]
    3 years ago

    It's pretty good. I liked the design of the you know what. Somebody already mentioned but there's way too much monologuing, and none of it particularly interesting. The David schwimmer looking dude carries the show hard. I def feel like it had more staying power for me because of my catholic upbringing, neat scenes regarding that stuff. Don't know how I feel about the end, kind of ends with a whimper.

  • hollowmines [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I dug most of it but I thought it shit the bed a bit in the last two episodes. That said, even people who hated it should still read this piece by the guy who directed and conceived it, which is just a nice bit of writing https://bloody-disgusting.com/editorials/3684646/deeply-personal-horror-midnight-mass-guest-essay-filmmaker-mike-flanagan/

    • meme_monster [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Thanks for the link. A very interesting read. I'm not surprised to see the writer is a lapsed Catholic because he seemed knowledgeable and respectful of the Catholic rights and liturgical structure while going in hot and heavy with the atheist apologetics. I'd say there were more things I'd have liked to have seen before the series end, like being more explicit on who killed Father Paul and why he decided to go full Jonestown, but I thought the ending was mostly successful. Still I'd be interested in knowing why you were disappointed with the last two episodes if you could share.

      • hollowmines [he/him]
        3 years ago



        it felt to me like flanagan's heart was in the first 5 episodes and the riley finn story, and I thought that even before I learned that he is pretty much explicitly flanagan's avatar within the show. (giving yourself a hunky avatar then killing yourself off in a moment of intense self-sacrifice....truly the lapsed catholic dream). katie siegel gives a beautiful performance but only riley and the priest are well-defined, so when riley is gone and these characters get sidelined, everything falls apart a bit, because the remaining cast is super underdeveloped. the cop subplot adds nothing but cringe and the doctor was yet another thankless annabeth gish role

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]
        3 years ago

        I thought Father Paul died from drinking too much vampire blood, like it's the slow path for conversion

        They probably shouldn't have used the same effect as the dying dog though, that probably added to the confusion

        • L183R4L [any]
          3 years ago

          I thought it was Bev, you see her putting away the poison again and as you said, it's pretty similar to the dog. I think he was being slowly poisoned by her as you notice he is having dizzy spells as he's running out of the blood and it ramps up after she sees the old picture of him. Imo she is convinced it's some kind of miracle and wants to see how far it will go

          • AK47 [none/use name]
            3 years ago

            i think he only died from too much blood because the creature was feeding on the poisoned cats

            • L183R4L [any]
              3 years ago

              Ah I hadn't thought of that, could be that too

    • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
      3 years ago

      Same opinion as you. My big gripe was by the final 2 episodes, a TON of the characters just seemed...inconsequential. Like, any of the main story beats could have been performed by anyone, and things would still have turned out the same.

  • baby_trump [undecided]
    3 years ago

    I really enjoyed it. Didn't even really mind the monologues much except for the last one that interrupted the intense ending and went on forever

    • meme_monster [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      You didn't like how after ranting for episode after episode that Catholicism may be the least worst Christian denomination in America, that they just went full Christman-mode and delivered a cushvlog about how we aren't hopelessly atomized individuals but are actually part of a universal whole that stopped to observe itself and there is no heaven because death is just the process of anamnesis through which we return to being stardust?

  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    i liked it. i appreciated the attention to detail of the environment. tv/movies that give a lot of attention to atmospherics/geography with wide establishing shots and attention to history of place draw me in.

    someone told me this was the same group being The Haunting of [whatever] on netflix, and i tried to start one but i quit after like 10 minutes because it just seemed like rehashed sPooKy hOUsE crap and lacked any of the non-supernatural conflict setup that Midnight Mass had. i really appreciate a story that has other, more grounded shit going on that i can get invested in. Midnight Mass was good at that.

    should i push through?

    • Dingdangdog [he/him,comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      They're not really worth pushing through to be honest. They have good environmental and ambience horror going on at first, but the characters suck and the plots meander forever and all the horror gets sapped out about halfway through.

      I'd say Midnight Mass is far and away the best thing they've done for Netflix at least.

  • bobby_digital [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Netflixcore horror with characters that monologue every damn scene and a moody montage set to music in every ep. I still watched like half of it tho