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  • Idunno [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I feel like they should have made the Harkonen attack bigger and ended it there, plus built up the fued betwen the houses more. It seemed to last like 3 scenes and everything after was a drag. Also the Baron should be camp as tits monologuing constantly or he isn't the Baron. The dude was like a bad Marlon Brando in Apocolypse Now impression. The whole thing was far too dreary. Caladan was dreary, Arrakis was dreary. I liked that they didn't shy away from the relgious aspects but it was cowardly not to use the word Jihad. They should have explained a bit more about the world like Mentats and the Shields and Lasguns and absolute importance of spice and the guilds monopoly. I could follow along but it needed stating for the wider audience.

    I did like how fascist they made the Atriedies look though and Leto was perfect. Jessica was great too I wanted more of her they shouldn't have cut the sub plot about her possibly being a traitor. Paul was there, he was fine but I think the actor will stuggle big time next film. Duncan was not how I pictured him Mamoa is far too cool for a square like Idaho but I did enjoy his performance. They could have a made more of the Paul and Chani meeting since it was built up from the first scene and then when they do meet it's kind of nothing.

    Sandworms were excellent both phallic and sphincteric. :chefs-kiss:

    • anaesidemus [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I agree with your points, I would also add that the threat to the emperor from the Atreides was not well established. They were building an army to rival the Sardaukar, the raid on the spice stores of Giedi Prime would have been cool to see on screen, would also have made the Harkonnen victory on Arrakis more shocking.

    • Hortener [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      The dude was like a bad Marlon Brando in Apocolypse Now impression.

      Yes! That's it! I was racking my brain trying to understand why I didn't care for the Baron. You nailed it!