My position for a while was that if Biden runs away with this, whatever shit Trump tries to pull still won't be enough. His best shot was always getting it to a place he can work around the margins using voter supression and blatant cheating. I just thought the trajectory was leading to a Biden blowout.

I don't think that anymore. I can absolutely see this one being >= 5 points come election day. I think the overall Dem aesthetic will start to wear thin on people. I really have no idea how the debates are going to go, but I see them swinging in Trump's favor.

If that's the case, you gotta beat the house on election day, and Trump is the house and you know what he's been doing.

I don't know, just sharing my thoughts. Good to be back with you homies.

  • AynRandPaulVerhoeven [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm on the opposite side of this. Obviously this is all disregarding any sort of voter suppression, USPS fuckery or other forms of cheating Trump might use but before COVID-19 and everything my bet was that Trump would wipe the floor with Biden. Now? I'm not so sure. This pandemic and the economic fallout has hit people hard. Are the Dems really gonna do anything substantial about that? Of course not, but even still it might actually motivate people to come out and vote to get rid of Trump.

    We always talk about how being this much in tune with politics poisons your brain but the vast majority of the electorate undeniably isn't concerned with politics at that level and for those people I imagine Biden's speech genuinely moving them is enough of a reason to support him.

    I mean honestly, this is 100% pure superficial lib shit but that's literally the one and only thing about Biden that I can connect with him on: He actually seems like a real human being who has experienced loss and grief in a relatable way. Not even the most hardcore MAGA chuds would say that about Trump. I saw the video by the 13 y/o kid with the stutter this morning and actually teared up but I should note I'm a massive pussy in that regard. When Bernie stepped out in Brooklyn to Back in Black I immediately started crying. Again, speeches like that are 100% superficial and have nothing to do with how he'll spend his 4 or 8 years in office but like I said the majority of people don't approach politics like that.