• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    I am so sick and goddamn tired of the only things america is ever willing to do for anybody is if you are willing to shoot some kids out

    Kids are fucking expensive, time consuming, and a full-time job in their own right. Its no surprise that people with kids who feel constantly underwater all the time are highly receptive to "We're making your lives easier" in a way that some libertarian-pilled single dude who hates the government and is trained to openly recoil at the phrase "We're here to help" is not.

    This isn't a one-way street. Parents are more politically engaged than DINKs and Singles. Parents are more anxious about their financial situation. Parents have a more acute need for relief. Parents carry a great deal more legal liability, too. So there's something of an onus on the state to aid a group of people living under a stricter legal code.

    earned income tax credit worth thousands of dollars a year? kids. $300 a month checks right now? kids. paid leave? kids. fuck off.

    Bucket O' Crabs Mentality.