Well we know she's going down hard since she fucked the ghouls out of their money. You can scam us working folks all you want but when it comes to stealing the bloodbags of the vampires that's a big no-no
And cute.
Also good at scamming people but whether you concider that a positive or negative trait is up to your interpretation
The rich scam people all the time yet people praise it for "cunning genius". The oil execs scammed the entire world into using their planet-killing energy source and no one's tossing them in prison.
Oil scams are a thousand layers deep. Its not just "Haha! Do this rather than burning coal, suckers!" The land leasing, the transportation and shipping, the manufacturing, the retailing, the administration and management, the wholesale markets... I mean, ffs. points frantically at Enron points even more frantically at Zapata Petroleum
The Energy Sector has always been a pile of grifts stacked born by the weight of this critical infrastructure.
I'm not saying she's going to get murdered to death by some cabal of finance gargoyles, but if I were her I'd watch my back.
Like i know she's evil or whatever but I'm kinda cheering for her
I think it's kind of funny that of all the old white dudes who thought they had a shot to fuck for investing bags and bags of money for the chance to maybe smell her farts, Sunny Balwani won the dick olympics.
Ah, now I understand why she's being prosecuted while the Sacklers walk.