How could an adult unironically ask such a question. Do they think alien movies are real?
If aliens exist they'll be nothing like us. Invading is something only a primitive, colonial creature would do. Any creature like that would kill itself off before it managed to achieve the ability to travel to us.
And I imagine that much like with COVID, the US wouldn't accept help from China
How could an adult unironically ask such a question. Do they think alien movies are real?
If aliens exist they'll be nothing like us. Invading is something only a primitive, colonial creature would do. Any creature like that would kill itself off before it managed to achieve the ability to travel to us.
And I imagine that much like with COVID, the US wouldn't accept help from China
I want to believe this to be the case
But I just know that in this reality, we're probably going to get Space Mormons
Fucking space Mormons keep knocking on the planets door asking me to read about space Jesus.
Telling us we can't have our Hot Space Drinks and wooing all the Space Women with their talk about Space Joseph Smith
Joseph Space and the Deseret Galaxy
Yes, Joseph Space was disintegrated for trying to marry a 14 year old and no, Brighambacca was not there during the shoot-out in Space Illinois
I'll pretend to believe in Space Jesus if I can go enjoy all the freaky alien technology with all my Space Mormon friends
space soaking
"Turn off the inertial dampers as we enter the asteroid field. Michelle agreed to let me soak"
Wasn't that just the whole plot of Mass Effect?
Like in the expanse
Yeah, but nobody is going to jack their spaceship and turn it into a big ol' battleship
Alternatively, we wouldn't even register on their understanding of complex life. Would you notice when you step on an ant?