Haha oh man DUMP misspelled the phrase "final solution" in his Tweet, and Trevor Noah owned him

      • czechvault [he/him,doe/deer]
        4 years ago

        I think they're still communist or something? I don't like them! (my gay friend says they're all secretely gay, hee hee!)

    • czechvault [he/him,doe/deer]
      4 years ago

      Let me tell you, nobody cares about the gays like this bad bitch right here. Which is why I can safely say (my gay friend told me, he's a natural gaydar) that the ChesterLinguini is mad with them because he wants to fuck them SO MUCH. Which is how Putin (which my gay friend told me he's russian, so he's also gay, don't mean to offend anyone, it was all my gay friend, I'm sorry) controls him. They're secretely doing the gay tango! the homo-shuffle, THEY'RE GAY TOGETHER! Sorry, gay friend acted up. Can't wait for november guys! (and gals!) (and those other ones!) (I think bisexuals?)