Some rich white people want to be the ones dictating everything, and some rich white people want everyone to be able to express their individuality in a free market (which means that they, the rich white people, end up with huge indirect power over everything).
Both think power and money imbalances are fine, both think class is fine, both think it's fine that you can wager or sign away your rights to your own self.
Both liberal and reactionary ideologies serve the wealthy.
Some rich white people want to be the ones dictating everything, and some rich white people want everyone to be able to express their individuality in a free market (which means that they, the rich white people, end up with huge indirect power over everything).
Both think power and money imbalances are fine, both think class is fine, both think it's fine that you can wager or sign away your rights to your own self.
Both liberal and reactionary ideologies serve the wealthy.