interesting and not exactly encouraging survey and the guardian is going with the whole "look at these selfish and irresponsible plebs", but the big thing i take from it is mostly that climate messaging has been so terrible that nobody knows what the fuck to do, everyone is sceptical of the personal responsibility bullshit, and the most highly-rated thing is that people just want some fucking leadership on this (interesting that there were very few questions on what government/industry should be doing, i wonder why)
George H W Bush basically said this thirty years ago. "The American way of life is not up for negotiation. Period." Guess what he was replying to.
Criticism from environmentalists who were correctly laying the blame on the 'First World' for their disproportionate impact on environmental health and resource consumption.
The treats must flow
We will simply outbid the Second Dust Bowl
Now I really want a story set in a world where you can pay off the enviornment, leading to more and more climate disruption as we commit more and more to increasing production. (Turns out we can just stop making the climate worse and that we are actually constantly increasing production cause of the rich, not because we can't fix the climate)