When late stage Ridley Scott is saying you suck

  • chiefecula [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Add one more person to the list, because you're missing me.

    The number one reason I absolutely despise disney capeshit is because it's the most blatantly soulless product of capitalism.

    So like 15 years ago when they were just starting out, they had to try and make good product because they didn't have an established brand yet, so they used to hire big names. But the problem with big names is that they have a lot of experience, and they want to make what they like. Edward Norton had so much input he's listed as a screenplay polisher (uncredited) on IMDb. Why work hard with people who have their opinions when you can just fire them and replace them with someone else? So they let him go and replaced him with some guy no one ever heard of. But maybe it's just one guy, who cares, right?

    Then Avengers 2 happened and the studio execs only ever cared about setting up as many movies for their phase 3. Avengers 2 is like 30% trailers for the upcoming movies, absolute crap. Obviously, the big name director (Joss Whedon) wasn't happy about it and quit and got replaced with some guys who were famous for making the paintball episodes on the Community. Then they hired Edgar Wright to direct Ant-Man and told him to put a stupid pointless fight scene with Falcon in the middle of the movie just so they can set up Civil War. He didn't like that and quit.

    From all that experience disney execs learned to never ever hire any big names who have their own fanbase/vision and can stand up for themselves. Instead, every capeshit director is a nobody who has only made two or three small movies before. Basically, the writing and directing is now automated, there's no personality to any of those movies, they all follow the same formula.

    • morte [she/her]
      3 years ago

      i too have become incredibly cynical about marvel movies. I think I was able to like the Guardians movies because if you squint you can ignore the rest of the marvel universe for a brief moment and they didnt feel like they were churned out of a factory

      • chiefecula [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        Well they also lucked out with a good director. A good director/writer is what makes or breaks a movie, everything else is superficial and doesn't matter.

        They also got lucky with Thor 3 because they got Taika Waititi.

        Disney can still make a good movie occasionally. But that only happens when they find a diamond in the rough that has a talent to make good movies AND the execs give them enough rope to hang themselves. Sometimes people make GotG/Thor 3, and sometimes they make The Last Jedi.

        • morte [she/her]
          3 years ago

          true and i did like thor 3 for similar reasons. outside of those I can't think of any marvel movies i actively liked except maybe black panther just cause my friends were enjoying it so much when we watched it. the CIA shit was so lame though

          • chiefecula [none/use name]
            3 years ago

            All movies where the villain has better politics than the main character are trash tier in my opinion, and the fact that they've turned Killmonger into CIA and then into a literal Hitler absolutely cemented Black Panther as one of the worst movies they've ever made.

            Also, I dislike Black Panther because it's Thor. Not good Thor, it's not Thor 3. And not bad Thor either, it's not Thor 2. Just Thor, the first one. The main characters are aliens or basically aliens despite living on Earth/being based on Earth mythology. Technology is advanced enough to be indistinguishable from magic. Inheritance is the central theme of the movie, and the main character has a half brother. The main character is a boring cardboard cutout with no emotions and everyone loves the movie for the charismatic villain.

            Maybe I would've liked Black Panther if they didn't make the villain into CIA and if they let him alive so he can redeem himself like Loki. But of course we can't have a revolutionary black guy mad at whities in the MCU, especially as a hero, so of course he had to die.

            I so, so, so wish they would've killed Chadwick's character so the Killmonger would take his place as the king and Black Panther to do all those radical reforms, that would've been so fucking cool... That's the number one reason I hate that movie more than any other movie in the MCU, wasted potential.

            Or imagine if during their "these americans are actually Vacandian spies" montage we got to see Obama, who, in the MCU, actually **was ** orn in Africa and actually is a spy! I know Obungler would've never done that cameo, but I just can't stop myself from imagining all the chuds' heads exploding from rage. Just imagine Alex Jones' reaction for a second... That would've made the movie a 10/10, the best movie ever made. Another missed opportunity.

            I know both of these are unrealistic, but I can't control how I feel.