• Mother [any]
    3 years ago

    Yeah what’s this person on about closet guy is a fucking weirdo

    • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
      3 years ago

      Exactly he did the home invasion trope but irl and broke into his gf's home, an act of trespass and a fundamental violation of women's rights, I'm sure he's some disgusting libertarian cuck too. I misread the first few lines of the post and thought they had a shared apartment Im so sorry smfdh................................

    • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
      3 years ago

      Who gives a shit if he's a weirdo? Seriously! Its embarrassing as hell to go hide in your lover's closet like this and then post about it on plebbit later but for christ's sake have some goddamn compassion! If you want to go dunk on him thats fine but go do it on reddit and reduce the amount of human ruin on this site.

      I can guarantee if we all had full access to the past of anyone above the age of 18 using this site then we can find a cornucopia of cringeworthy shit like this to ridicule. This is no different!

      Here we have a good lesson....

      • Mother [any]
        3 years ago

        Oh look the guy defending creepy guys hiding in closets is in other threads bypassing the filters to make gendered slurs what a surprise


        • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
          3 years ago

          Look, I'm sorry and I acknowledge that saying the C word is bad, Ill go remove it, but what does gender have to do with this??????

          How is me saying the C word on an entirely different shitposting thread relevant to people here ridiculing some innocent dude going through some mental problems?

          How does his panicked actions have any political bearing beyond alienation such that he deserves ridicule?

          In the art...

          • Mother [any]
            3 years ago

            It’s relevant bc your take is what he did isn’t that bad. My view and that of others is no actually it is that bad and definitely deserving of ridicule. Excusing this persons fucked up behavior and arguing we should go easy on the guy rings very “what about the men” to me, which is of course a common trope of sexists. Then I’m browsing another thread and I see someone has bypassed the slur filter to use a gendered slur (ie that person knows this is an inappropriate word to use but chose to use it anyway) and I am not used to seeing that around here, so then I glance up at the username and oh look it’s you…

            • SuperNovaCouchGuy [any]
              3 years ago

              It’s relevant bc your take is what he did isn’t that bad.

              No. My take is that it is not our place to be judge and jury to this random man's life based on the smallest of a window. His behaviour is a problem here, obviously, it is very fucking embarrassing, but neither is it right to make sweeping judgements of his character and ridiculing him for his interpersonal failures without knowing a broader context especially when its just some random mentally disturbed normie with no bearing to any political project, its not our business and its frankly quite anti-social to try make it be so imo. I am not an MRA or basing this critique out of any "men's rights" political ideology, if anything its an appeal to human decency. You can judge my character and thats fair enough, but my point still stands.

              Of reading comprehension.