This is in response to some chudges ruling against it in the 69th court of peepeepoopoo

Get your shots folks


there’s a sequel

:seen-this-one: lol

  • Mother [any]
    3 years ago

    From the second article:

    The intrigue: Holiday gatherings and wintertime have been on the Biden administration's mind for months, and factored into the White House's initial plan to make boosters widely available in September, one senior Biden administration official said.

    "We knew we wanted to be ahead of this. Why do you think we were pushing?" the official said.

    But the FDA and the CDC initially authorized boosters only for smaller, high-risk groups, arguing there wasn't enough data to support broader eligibility. They're expected to begin opening the shots up to all adults as early as today, but only so many people can get their shots in less than a week.

    Lol nice one CDC. Almost as good as when they told us not to wear masks.

    I knew as soon as I saw competent governments authorizing boosters that the US was shitting the bed again. Glad I decided to stretch the cdc guidelines to their maximum for booster eligibility for myself and my wife weeks ago. Hopefully folks can get shots easily when availability inevitably opens up for everyone. Of course now we have to fight against the initial guidance of “not everybody needs a booster”

    Master class in incompetence

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
      3 years ago

      The CDC has been amazingly and incompetently slow and hesitant this last year, it’s fucking absurd.


      I would’ve taken the first god damn shot off the assembly line, completely untested, because I knew the logic behind it and the odds it would work and the odds it would fuck something up. And hands down I would’ve been better off taking that shot than waiting.

      Same goes for waiting so god damn long to approve it for children. There was no evidence at all that the vaccine would be harmful to children. There was no logical reason based on how we know they work to believe it would bd harmful to children. We KNOW that covid can be VERY harmful to children. Lots of children were getting covid. WHY DID YOU TAKE SO LONG.

      This isn’t the “precautionary principle” or whatever the fuck, it’s just incorrectly assessing risks. Which should literally be the CDCs job.

      • Philosoraptor [he/him, comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        This isn’t the “precautionary principle” or whatever the fuck, it’s just incorrectly assessing risks. Which should literally be the CDCs job.

        Very much not--in fact, it's pretty strongly counter to the precautionary principle, at least under any reasonable formulation of the PP. There are lots of different ways of formulating it, but so-called "strong" PP formulations are pretty much universally accepted as being self-undermining and resulting in no effective action ever. Something like a prohibitory approach (e.g., a formulation like "activities that present an uncertain potential for significant harm should be prohibited unless the proponent of the activity shows that it presents no appreciable risk of harm") are insane and unworkable: following something like that, we'd basically never do anything at all, as it's pretty much impossible to show that any new technology or policy presents "no appreciable risk of harm." Weak PP formulations are much more tenable, and basically flip the logic of the principle around. They emphasize that a lack of perfect information about risks shouldn't preclude action, especially if that action is to prevent a known (or very strongly suspected) catastrophic outcome. That sort of logic applies equally well to COVID vaccines as to climate change.

        A reasonable formulation of the PP looks like this. We should make the precautionary choice to avoid potentially hazardous activities when three conditions are met: (1) we have a reasonably clear understanding of the range of harmful outcomes that could occur but highly inadequate information about their probabilities; (2) we care fairly little about the potential gains to be made by choosing the hazardous activity; and (3) the potential harms associated with the hazardous activity are unacceptable.

        Dragging our feet on the COVID vaccines arguably violates all three of these conditions, but it indisputably violates (2): we have very good reason to care about the harms associated with not vaccinating people for COVID, especially around the holiday travel season. The conservative culture of science (and to some extent public health) is great when it comes to abstract theory change, but right now it's getting people killed.

        • Mother [any]
          3 years ago

          The conservative culture of science (and to some extent public health) is great when it comes to abstract theory change, but right now it’s getting people killed.

          Seems like more a US problem than a science problem, Israel and EU approved boosters months ago. Not saying you are wrong, it definitely plays into it, but what we have is a leadership deficit imo

          • Philosoraptor [he/him, comrade/them]
            3 years ago

            It's absolutely both of those. The natural culture of science is pretty slow and pretty conservative: we want to look before we leap, and be sure about consequences before we make big changes. Most of the time, that culture has (arguably) at least some positives, especially if the alternative is Facebook-style "move fast and break stuff." Sometimes, though, we need to expedite that process and it's worth taking some risks in order to prevent more damage. Competent political (and scientific, really) leadership should pressure scientific institutions to behave extraordinarily in extraordinary circumstances.

    • TheModerateTankie [any]
      3 years ago

      :amerikkka-clap: Fucking amazing. :amerikkka:

      Go to any news story about mask mandates and a legion of chuds will be in the comments making it clear there is no hope for this cursed country.

      • PlantsRstillCool [des/pair]
        3 years ago

        The whole mask thing has been so soul crushing for me.

        Wearing mask is so easy and not objectionable that the fact they won't even do it, and that they'll fight so hard against it, just shows how little they'll do for the social good. Like they'll literally do nothing AND be assholes about it to everyone who does

    • john_browns_beard [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      When I first heard about the boosters coming out and the government immediately saying "not everyone will need a booster" I literally yelled "are you fucking kidding me" out loud. How do you fuck this up TWICE? How hard would it be to just say something like we are currently researching appropriate booster timelines? This country is so fucked, we're headed back towards 3-4k deaths per day this holiday season.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        3 years ago

        The only bright side to this whole debacle is that Chuds are dying at a ratio of like 5:1 because the Right is so hellbent on evading vaccination. It'll have demograpic consequences. Apparently in some states the number of Chuds who have died is greater than the margin by which the GOP won the state.

        • garbage [none/use name,he/him]
          3 years ago

          yeah but most of the ones dying are just older people who ain't producing children anymore, and chuds reproduce at a rate 41% higher than even liberals.

          it's not like doing the whole :vote: thing works anyway, and the idea that this will positively effect anything is basically moot.

          i kind of get annoyed seeing that herman cain award shit on reddit. a lot of these people are just uneducated and brainwashed, and watching a bunch of libs cheering on their deaths kind of turns my stomach. basically shits all over the idea of class solidarity.

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]
            3 years ago

            I just don't know how we can build any kind of class solidarity with fascists. There's a lot of people who can still probably be reached, but there's tens of millions who have positive views of the Nazis and will endure any kind of privation as long as a minority or liberal or LGBT+ person suffers incrementally more than they do.

            How did the Soviets deal with this? From a century away it seems like the Russian proletariat and peasantry had far fewer obstacles to class solidarity than we have dealing with a working class split between Libs, fascists, and pissed off, disorganized socialists.

              • Frank [he/him, he/him]
                3 years ago

                So "What is to be done".

                I don't know how we can compete with the reach and penetration and ubiquity of Fox News and MSNBC and all the rest. I mean I guess we're getting good numbers with Millenials and Zoomers because we all spend so much time online where there's still some diversity of thought and you can sneak shit through.


                • garbage [none/use name,he/him]
                  3 years ago

                  yeah we're doing pretty good, some eleventh hour, bottom of the ninth shit could happen. we just gotta keep on truckin'. don't let libs turn you into some jaded asshole though. that's the problem with reddit, it's driving the divide.

                  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
                    3 years ago

                    I mean shit, it's not ideal but if we can keep a coherent socialist community together until Climate Change gets really bad we've got as good a chance of surviving it as any other group. Certainly better than the Chuds who don't have any real concept of mutual aid. It'll just be a bunch of leftists, Mormons, and rich people left with coherent societies when everything goes to shit.

    • pumpchilienthusiast [comrade/them, any]
      3 years ago

      lol i went for a booster when our oily haired governor announced anyone could get one and i got turned away (mind you i live in a red county with appalling low vax rates) lmao

      • Mother [any]
        3 years ago

        Just go to cvs if you click the radio button on the appointment you are golden

        You probably qualify anyway. BMI over 25? You qualify. Mental health issues (depression, anxiety?) you qualify. The CDC has a huge list of elevating factors on their site

        Name a single person that wants a booster right now that can’t get one and isn’t anxious. Literally everyone should be getting it by hook or by crook.