I am heavily abusing naval invasion mechanics and how they absolutely brainfuck the AI. I still almost lost this last war (liberating New Africa and taking Pennsylvania) because Great Britain's idiot fleets were set to "defend naval invasions" and wouldn't help me

  • DyingOfDeBordom [none/use name]
    6 months ago

    I just hit the American GDP so hard they fell off the top ten ranking to be replaced by Spain and Italy

      • DyingOfDeBordom [none/use name]
        6 months ago

        Actually i'm presently locked in an arms race with the Americans and rthe moment i try to do anything like reduce Sokoto's autonomy they declare war on me. France and Britain both ended their defensive pacts with me because they're assholes so things are tense i tell you whut

  • happybadger [he/him]
    6 months ago

    The US is so vulnerable to naval invasion when they keep their capital in DC. The first thing I do is switch it to Pennsylvania or Illinois. Otherwise they're like Russia and Ingria where you can just neuter a massive superpower in a couple months.

    • DyingOfDeBordom [none/use name]
      6 months ago

      I mean yeah it's vulnerable in general just having the capital on the coast, but the AI will like send an army to the Dixie HQ to stop an invasion (drawing it away from another front!) but if you cancel the invasion they'll redeploy to a front, giving you a couple weeks to invade unopposed as long as they don't have extra armies (which they won't if they're busy fighting the French or British). There's no penalty to canceling a naval invasion apparently, you can immediately restart it the next day

    • lurkerlady [she/her]
      6 months ago

      The secret to killing the USA early is to zerg them with rapid advance cavalry stacks, they only start with 10 regiments so you can crush them into dust easily. Always take Pennsylvania and New York, they're dead without them

      I've been able to take them out early with all sorts of minor powers with this strat. One time I annexed or puppeted all of the USA as China by 1855

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      Otherwise they're like Russia and Ingria where you can just neuter a massive superpower in a couple months.

      Literally why I move the capital to Moscow every time I play as the Russian empire. Used to also be because under the old military system uncored provinces never sided with factional revolts and could be used as military-industrial belts to prop your government up during a fierce Civil War that has you facing off against all cored provinces then downgrading their military bases and conscription centers all the way to irregular infantry before the civil war event fires to weaken their military power and then steamrolling them as soon as you're given the green light to do so

      • lurkerlady [she/her]
        6 months ago

        Now your capital never revolts so sometimes it's useful for it to have a port so allies can land to defend it.

        • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
          6 months ago

          Just have uncored coastal land connecting to your capital. Unless you have an undisputibly powerful army and/or navy to batter away all attempts to snipe your capital provinces, its better to keep as much buffer zones between it and any possible enemy attack.

  • Lurkerino [comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    I just played a game as Mexico but failed, how do I deal with the UK allying with the USA?

    • theposterformerlyknownasgood
      6 months ago

      You don't, if that happens you're fucked. You could ally with France and hope for the best, but that's probably not good enough to overcome a US/UK alliance. The way to beat the US as mexico is to get yourself a European ally, build up heavily and abuse the naval mechanics.

      • Lurkerino [comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        Ok so I managed to do it in 2 wars, first was Mex+Fra vs US+UK, I lost but only 2 states with 0 buildings, by the next war I also had a defensive pact with Russia and managed to win, In the next 2 wars I should be able to get all of USA.

  • professionalduster
    6 months ago

    how do you abuse the naval invasion? the few times I've tried one they haven't gone that well. doubley so for Mexico which has a much smaller navy

    • DyingOfDeBordom [none/use name]
      6 months ago

      So it's worked for me because it really fucks up the US AI. They can't figure out where to put their armies. As long as the British fleet will help you enough that the U.S. can't send ships to the Dixie sea node, you can basically naval invade Alabama for free. Just pay attention to the Naval Invasion indicator and when it shows that the U.S. has an army stationed in that HQ, cancel the invasion. If the war is close enough on the other fronts, i.e. you have the British and your main army occupying them in the midwest, the AI might send an army to station it to fight a naval invasion, but if you cancel the invasion they'll usually send the army back to the front. Once there's no armies in that HQ, there's no resistance for the invasion, as long as you don't have to fight their ships.

      I kinda fucked up in the war strategy this run by taking New York, I thought it'd be good to build up and steal their GDP but it's just fucking radical city, nothing I build will raise their SOL, and it opens up two additional fronts in the north which the U.S. can easily throw armies at but which as Mexico, even with allies, I can't really do that.

      p.s. Unless your armies can beat them 1v1 it's important to do hit and run shit, once the U.S. sends an army to stop your invasion force after it's taken a state, start another naval invasion in the same HQ as long as there's no ships or armies stationed in that HQ. Like take Alabama, and the day before they deploy to the front, naval invade florida to expand the front without having to fight them