ABSTRACT ‘There has recently been increasing interest in the possibility and ethics of lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS), which would combine sophisticated AI with machinery capable of deadly force. One objection to LAWS is that their use will create a troubling responsibility gap, where no human agent can properly be held accountable for the outcomes that they create. While some authors have attempted to show that individual agents can, in fact, be responsible for the behaviour of LAWS in various circumstances, this will not be possible in all cases. This article argues, however, that by assigning responsibilities to group agents operating within the military-industrial complex, as well as the military-industrial complex as a whole, we may be able to close the responsibility gap, or at least reduce its costs. Insofar as the potential for responsibility gaps poses an ethical barrier to the development and deployment of LAWS, this argument, if sound, may show their use to be morally permissible in a greater range of cases’.

  • WalterBongjammin [they/them,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Mutated Kennedy scion 2046: ‘As Democrats we believe that no one should have their skull crushed by a terminator without subsequent access to a lawyer’

  • 4zi [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    the year is 2046; The rotting carcass of Dianne Feinstein has used her powers as Senator of California to institute a notice of displeasure at the brutality of the robocops around the nation. She points out in her notice that there is a way we can stop this brutality by instituting a means tested study on how much better the robocops will be if we just pour billions more dollars on top of them. This notice gets a resounding approval from the Democrats, who motion to bring it to a vote, while the Republican Senate Minority Leader Tucker Carlson complains about how its anti-cop because the inventor of the robocop was an immigrant or something, he doesn't have to remember it correctly.

    All while this is happening, riots are occurring outside of the capitol where they simply ask the government to flip the off switch on the 'MEGA POLICE BRUTALITY ENGAGE' button that was hard wired into the control system after the Water Riots of 2034

  • RNAi [he/him]
    3 years ago

    So everytime a robot kill a civilian we guillotine 100 pentagon lizards? Sounds kinda good, far better than now at least.

    • WalterBongjammin [they/them,comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      US legal system's response to your accusation of unlawful killing: 'Your Aunt's proximity to cellphone metadata that fell well within the definitional threshold of 'enemy combatant' that our algorithm uses to determine the validity of its targets means that she has been classified as a combatant. You are required to pay $5,000 for the incineration of her remains and are also liable for an addition $50,000 in damages due to the harm that her viscera caused to the terminator's internal components'.