Context: 3 :thumb-cop: go into the restaurant strapped (never know when you might need to extrajudicially murder your sandwich), staff asks them to please leave since firearms are not allowed inside, thin blue skin gets feelings hurt, there is a backlash from our brain poisoned reactionary public, restaurant forced to apologize.



  • fayyhana [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Were there always this many bootlickers out there? I swear they've been extra vocal lately. I was at the local tattoo parlor the other day and they were all talking about how we need to respect police more???? major bruh moment

      • buh [any]
        3 years ago

        It's this. I know people who previously hated cops, but after the BLM protests last year became like "well I know there are some bad apples out there, but the police are a necessary force in society".

      • star_wraith [he/him]
        3 years ago

        And in addition, I would say it's even a little broader than BLM; once you realize that white suburbanites see the cops as their own little enclave army, tasked with keeping any non-white folks who dare trespass in their territory to be put in their place.

    • Three_Magpies [he/him]
      3 years ago

      That's practically the default attitude in the US: that back the blue bullshit. Part of it is that :porky-happy: owns the airwaves and uses them to amplify a bunch of fraudulent messages. So by merely existing in the US you'll be indoctrinated with the idea, "Cops good, funko pop looters bad."

      And most Americans are so comfortable that they don't have to critically analyze anything. It brings me great despair

      • fayyhana [she/her]
        3 years ago

        Just the sheer level of willful ignorance to see a story like this as anything but "crybabies with guns leverage their monopoly on violence to harass restaurant" drives me fucking insane. I get that in this story the restaurant is probably more being pressured by a local media campaign to protect their special murder boys instead of genuine public outcry, but seeing normal people my age caping for cops is absolutely infuriating.

        • LoudMuffin [he/him]
          3 years ago

          most Americans have zero political education so no one even realizes that cops are just the enforcing arm of the state

          they just think they stop crime and shit but anyone who actually has dealt with American police knows that they are just report writers at best and fascist death squads at worst

    • HeckHound [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I don’t think this is anything new, or at least from my own experience it at least goes back well into the 90s. Back then if a local restaurant had asked cops to leave like this then not a single person in our church would have been caught dead there.

      I was repeatedly taught growing up that enjoying superheroes too much was bad because it distracted from worshipping cops. “Real heroes don’t wear capes” and all that. I was taught never to talk to strangers, unless they were a cop. And never to let an adult see me naked or touch me, unless they were a doctor or a cop. Don’t underestimate how much middle-class America loves their police, it’s the only thing keeping them safe from the homeless and “urban thugs” that they’re terrified of.

      • buh [any]
        3 years ago

        And never to let an adult see me naked or touch me, unless they were... a cop.


        • HeckHound [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Right!? It was just assumed that if a cop ever wanted to it would be for a good reason, like to strip search us to make sure we weren't hiding weapons or drugs. Because of course that's reasonable, hiding drugs and guns in a kid's underwear is exactly the kind of thing that gangbangers would do! And we all know that cops have the hardest job in the world, so it's ok if they need to do things that make us uncomfortable to keep themselves safe so they can protect us from all the dangerous thugs just itching to invade our home.

          It's was basically just fascist thinking applied at the family level: we had to be prepared to give up our rights and autonomy to the Good authority figures because they are the only ones who can protect us from the Bad people who only want chaos and destruction. Fun stuff.