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  • MasterShakeVoice [undecided]
    3 years ago

    Q: What do you think is the biggest threat to America national security in the coming years? Russia climate change Iran North Korea or something else?

    A: Block-chain technology. No joke. Super powerful stuff, and the first one to figure out how to hack it, manipulate it or bring it down wins.

    Bigger than climate change or nukes or all the moustache twirling villains. And he's not even directly shilling any crypto currency from what I can see. Broken epic Tesla brain or does the agency push blockchain this hard?

    And what would actually happen if somebody managed to hack blockchain, say, tomorrow?

    I wish regular people knew more about cognitive bias. The human brain actually works so efficiently that it skips steps in reasoning. We rely on our brains so much, and trust our judgement almost without question. But when spies learn about the flawed nature of our own thinking, it literally changes the way we view our world. We start to question everything - especially our own thinking - and become focused on objective facts. Once that happens, the whole world starts to make sense. And we find ourselves in total control of our environment. I want everyone to know that feeling. Its a big part of why I offer the course OPTHINK on [shill link]

    How to brainwash yourself to be more evil more efficiently. Influencer culture and successwin mindset culture and all the online grift cultures feel bad and poisonous and bleak to me; but commodifying and selling moral decay this directly is on another level.

    Cuban Intel is excellent - look at the Anna Montes case.

    Please do look at the Ana Montes case, and how the US has been torturing her for 20 years with solitary confinement

    ( different thread )No, you are never really out. Service is for life.


      • MasterShakeVoice [undecided]
        3 years ago

        A couple decades back he would have gone into advertising or something like that, to pull the old media's strings. Now he has to try to be a cool approachable success mindset influencer, for the CIA

    • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
      3 years ago

      Bigger than climate change or nukes or all the moustache twirling villains. And he’s not even directly shilling any crypto currency from what I can see. Broken epic Tesla brain or does the agency push blockchain this hard?

      Climate change doesn't challenge the dollar's hegemony. Blockchain tech does - at the very least, it makes sanctions pretty much useless.

      • MasterShakeVoice [undecided]
        3 years ago

        I don't see how it makes sanctions useless if you can't buy actual stuff with your bitcoins -- you still have to transport goods and services in the real world, which is where the sanctions are applied. You can already dodge the dollar and the international banking system if you pay in gold, drugs or just some other currency, bitcoin is less secure than that

        • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
          3 years ago

          It's about money transfer. It doesn't matter if you can buy things directly with Bitcoin, it's that you can pay someone cash for Bitcoin, take your wallet somewhere else (say to a bad country like Russia or Iran) and sell it there without having to interact with the American banking system. Bitcoin is far less risky than gold or drugs - theoretically you could just memorize your seed phrase and not have to carry anything at all on you vs. the physical burden of gold or drugs. They don't care about you doing whatever with your dollars really, they care about not being able to sanction Russian companies or other states the US might set its sights on.

          • MasterShakeVoice [undecided]
            3 years ago

            That's nice if you're a person or group trying to launder money, but I still don't see how it would help Iran or Russia or Cuba dodge sanctions? How would Cuba buy syringes with bitcoin?

            • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
              3 years ago

              Only thing I could think of is that it allows the accumulating of enough wealth, while dodging the obvious hardships that comes with trying to run gold or other shit, to allow sanctioned countries to purchase not just needed supplies but also the infrastructure and defenses to move those supplies. As in building or purchasing your own barges and navy to move goods to and from your country.

              Obviously that's both far out in terms of planning, implementation, and reality. But it's a possibility at least.

      • MasterShakeVoice [undecided]
        3 years ago

        Good news, legally it's probably not solitary confinement because they put her in a prison psych ward for no stated reason! No human rights org has touched this with a ten foot pole, naturally. Journalists are not allowed to visit her, and don't care.

        ...maybe don't look too deeply into this case if you're not feeling alright.