Last episode they played "Whitey on the Moon" by GSH. Also great because that inbred proto-incel would have hated it. Death to fishmen! ☠️☠️☠️🦈🐳🦈

  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I saw the first episode so far but I wasn't impressed. It was incredibly unsubtle.

    • Wisp [fae/faer, any]
      4 years ago

      Honestly I don't think it's unsubtleness is that bad of a thing. For example in the episode discussions on reddit there were a lot of people talking about how it was the first time they'd heard of sundown towns

  • Darkmatter2k [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Saw JJ Abrams name on it and after the NuTrek fiasco im very weary of his myster-box story telling.

    • IvanOMartin [any]
      4 years ago

      The two episodes I've seen were great. Very high paced and a refreshing take on the normally stuffy Lovecraftian tropes, managing to turn Ol fisheye HP:s racism on its head. Maybe the source material and Jordan Peele offsets Abrams? Try one episode is my advice.

  • Mightyquinn [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Politics aside it's a garbage show. The pacing is so terrible that it feels like it was made by someone who's never told a horror story before, and the CGI is some of the ugliest trash I've seen from a high budget show.

    *Spoilers below for people who care about that shit *

    The beginning of the first episode was pretty good, and if it had ended the moment an unseen monster tore the cops arm off it would have been excellent. Instead, they rush through what should have been an entire episode (surviving overnight in the cabin) in 10 minutes.

    In episode two, they rush through what should have been a whole episode (exploring the village) in 5 minutes. In fact, the second episode rushes through what should have been an entire season at the weird cult retreat.

    It really has the JJ Abrams stink all over it. He can come to with decent ideas but has no idea how to expand on them or develop them. He also thinks if something happens fast it's exciting.