No shit. My six year old son just got his second jab last month after another semester of virtual after waiting for the vaccine to finally get approved. Part of the problem is how much conventional wisdom has established kids not being in danger...true or untrue.
Whenever I see the word "the unvaccinated" I replace it with "children under 5" and it gets way more ghoulish
I replace it with "the immunocomprised even if they're vaccinated" and then I worry about my friends some more.
Yeah, solidarity, I had to stop doing that cause that describes my wife and it was getting too hard to deal with
liberals and allying with nazis name a better duo
No shit. My six year old son just got his second jab last month after another semester of virtual after waiting for the vaccine to finally get approved. Part of the problem is how much conventional wisdom has established kids not being in danger...true or untrue.