was on a rural farm that week, missed it

according to the one thing i saw she posted about a sexual assault from a high ranking party official so other women would feel like its okay to come forward since she could. 30 minutes later the tweet and her account is taken down and she disappears, then a few days later she gives what appears to be a scripted apology saying she made it up.

that could be totally wrong/inaccurate i got no clue, so whats up?

  • a_maoist_quetzal [he/him]
    3 years ago

    she posted about an affair she had with a high ranking party official, then deleted the post. western media mistranslated it as a rape. She did not disappear, she's been seen in public and had contact with the IOC, and even more recently asked everyone to stop making up these stories. of course, off camera was most definitely a CCP enforcer with a script and a gun because that's the only way she would try to correct this record


    In the interview with Lianhe Zaobao, a Chinese-language Singaporean newspaper, Ms. Peng, 35, said, “First, I want to stress a very important point — I never said or wrote that anyone sexually assaulted me.”

    “There may have been misunderstandings by everyone,” she said of her initial post on Weibo.

    Ms. Peng also denied that she had been under house arrest or that she had been forced to make any statements against her will.

    “Why would someone keep watch over me?” she said. “I’ve been very free all along.”

    After quoting Peng Shuai's spontaneous statement, which debunks everything the Times had claimed about her, the paper goes on to put doubt on her very clear explanation:

    Her denial drew skepticism from human rights advocates, who have said that Chinese officials appear to have corralled her into rehearsed video appearances.

    Kenneth Roth, the executive director of Human Rights Watch, said on Twitter that Ms. Peng’s latest statement was “only deepening concerns about the pressure to which the Chinese government is subjecting her.”

    • Civility [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Calling it an affair is 😬

      A much older senior party official abused his position to pressure her into a sexual relationship.

      It might not legally qualify as a sex crime, but it's abusive and predatory behavior which shouldn't be tolerated.

      Like, this shit

      About three years ago, Zhang Gaoli vice president, you retired. You asked Dr. Liu at the Tianjin Tennis Centre to contact me, and asked me with play tennis with you at Kang Ming Hotel in Beijing. After we finished playing tennis, you and your wife Kang Jie brought me to your home. Then you took me into your room. Like what happened ten years ago in Tianjin, you wanted to have sex with me. That afternoon I didn't agree, and I kept crying. I had dinner with you and auntie Kang Jie together. You said the universe is very very big. The earth is merely a speck of sand in the universe, and us human beings are smaller than even a speck of sand. You said a lot more than that, and the purpose was basically to persuade me to drop my guard. After dinner, I was still not willing to have sex. You said you hated me. You said in those seven years, you never forgot about me, and you will treat me well etc... I was terrified and anxious. Taking into consideration the affection I had for you seven years ago, I agreed... yes, we had sex.

      Is predatory behaviour and just because the NYT is being an imperialist bumrag about it doesn't make doing apologetics for a sexual predator less harmful.

      • SolidaritySplodarity [they/them]
        3 years ago

        To whom was harm done by grandparent by calling it an affair? Peng Shui clearly describes an affair in her account - I recommend reading all of it - even though we can validly bring up power imbalances and pressuring (she also explicitly states it has nothing to do with power).

        You will see, in the rest of this thread, a conspicuous absence of describing the concerted Western media campaigns as lies, which they are. Exaggerations and inventions, creating their own stories about Peng Shui "disappearing" or claiming to have been assaulted, stories that have legs not because anyone is trying to have a hard discussion about power dynamics or sexual pressuring / consent in sports, but to blast "China bad" in yet another round of breathless "journalism".

        Hexbears are not, overall, great on China. There's a decent contingent that is, but few are free of liberal brainworms about it. A fairly well-upbeared comment is even speculating about seeing China cover up rape. As always, propaganda is about emphasis and what we end up talking about, how we frame discussions and (usually fail) to acknowledge uncertainty and important questions like, "who is saying this, why are they saying it, and how do they know it?"

    • fed [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      uh the translation MoA cites clearly shows it was more than an affair

      "After dinner, I was still not willing to have sex. You said you hated me. You said in those seven years, you never forgot about me, and you will treat me well etc... I was terrified and anxious. Taking into consideration the affection I had for you seven years ago, I agreed... yes, we had sex."

      what the fuck is MoA bc they clearly read the translation of a person coming forward to speak out against a prominent party member assaulting and abusing them and defend it??

      • MarxistMaths [he/him]
        3 years ago

        More than just an affair, given the significant power imbalance, for sure.

        But I don't think your quote indicates assault, at least not physical. Significant pressure maybe.

        Ultimately, according to your translation, she "agreed" in light of her "affection". (Edit: After a lot of badgering.)

        I want to discuss with my Chinese coworkers after the new year because I find it hard to trust any translation out there or understand the nuances, but at the moment I'm thinking: Imbalanced, inapropriate, manipulative and abusive relationship by a POS party official who I hope China deals with, and that the ultimate result is transparent.

    • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      she posted about an affair, western media mistranslated it as rape.

      Redguard's law of projection: every accusation they make is a direct indicator of what is actually going on at home

      This accusation is further evidence of the rape/sexual abuse that goes on at every level of Western politics. (Which we already knew about, but still)