• PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    Your conservative parents are dimwits and you will never be able to justify justice to them. Socioeconomically though, these small businesses tend to be a lot more plugged into the municipal political machines than your average prole. They may not have the power of the landlords or real estate developers, but their interests lie much closer to the YIMBY gentrifiers than the tenants and long term community members. They had the potential to lobby for better conditions all this time, but never stuck their neck out.

    The central argument is that small business owners are not the fucking heroes they're made out to be. Some small businesses serve institutional roles in a community, but the vast majority do not. The vast majority of the community are not small business owners. Anyone crying about small businesses getting smashed up who was silent every time the cops smashed up homeless encampments can go fuck themselves. That's my take.