This is pure THC oil, $120k worth. I want to put it in a jar and eat it like pooh bear.
Broke: tungsten cubes
Woke: THC orbs
smh crypto bros once again showing their terrible taste
Oh ha ha thanks! I was wondering where that went! Just pass it here and I'll be on my way.
I wanna get one of those human sized hamster balls and hotbox myself in it while I roll around town, does that count
Does hashbean420 still put videos out? I remember he had a little tent over his gamer chair so he could hotbox himself
Okay so if you can get a good human-sized container and hook it up to a volcano bag you're already 90% there
This is what I need to do with my neuroscience degree
Everyone thinks I'm stoned, jokes on them I'm an alcoholic
this is the dune x kush aliens chapo episode crossover i didnt know i needed