• ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Yeah Russia will go in , Red lines Are Redlines and Nato Currently is Using the Situation to Arm Ukraine Further accelerting the Classic Security_dilemma . But Nato played it really good , beeing now in a Position were they can fight Russia to the last Ukrainian..

    • vccx [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Alexander Mercouris' opinion is that NATO got completely played into playing their hand and NATO has no good options. Their best option is funding and training insurgents for an Afghanistan style war, like creating the Mujahideen and ISIS in Europe except they can freely travel across the EU borders.

      US Sanctions package means nothing to Russia-China and the CSTO countries. Russia can take Ukraine within hours, NATO will take days if not weeks to respond. I don't think NATO will not get into a war with Russia over the Ukraine, they will get destroyed and embarrassed. Same with NATO and Taiwan.