• Lovely_sombrero [he/him]
    2 years ago
    1. Only things that Hillary and Biden "got done" were bad things. If you look at their bipartisan "achievements", it was all stuff like the Iraq war, NAFTA, bankruptcy bill, a wall on the southern border, deregulation, welfare reform, crime bill, Patriot Act etc.

    2. Biden didn't want to get anything done in the first place, his "platform" in the Dem primaries was just so that libs were able to point to something and say "Biden has plans as well" and then - even crazier, they said "the fact that Biden's plans are worse means they are more realistic AND more achievable". And this was repeated in the MSM all the time as if it was an universal truth

    3. Even assuming that Biden wanted to get something good done, what happened in reality is worse than the worst-case scenario of the Sanders presidency. Where he isn't able to decrease the military budget (Biden increased it) and would have to rely on executive orders and enforcing already existing laws in order to do good things - something that Biden refuses to do. So even a worst-case scenario for a Bernie presidency is better than the Biden reality.