Warning: extremely toxic thread

I thought there was an antiwork community here? Anyways I'm not sure where to put this. Just kinda sucks that the interview didn't go well and that people are shitting on this person and misgendering her for not being a white male factory worker or something.

/r/antiwork is kind of in shambles rn because the mods are trying keep the discourse from spinning out of control but a ton of people there are being transphobic and turning on the mods, and of course the mods are being accused of being authoritarian for trying to run the sub.

I hope the sub can bounce back, but it's a dark day in there for sure.

    • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
      2 years ago

      Most likely from a wealthy family and went to a nice university too, to go on tv and bemoan about blue haired college aged SJWs ruining our got danged manhood. The irony is rich. That's the rub with the right, boater kulaks larping as working class.