My fault for going on twitter BUT WHAT THE FUCK DOES “BEING A STALINIST” MEAN IN FUCKING 2022? This is basically shit stirring against an imaginary boogeyman
My fault for going on twitter BUT WHAT THE FUCK DOES “BEING A STALINIST” MEAN IN FUCKING 2022? This is basically shit stirring against an imaginary boogeyman
Why is it constantly radlibs larping as anarchists doing this shit and barely MLs?
The common online pitfall I see MLs fall into is buying into the whole 4 quadrant political compass meme and thus proclaiming themselves as "pro-authoritarian" to prove they aren't anarchists. No one should be pro authority for authority's sake, it's just we think a transitional state is necessary to defend the revolution from the forces of capital.
Honestly the 4 quadrant political compass has gotta be one of the better online psyops for disrupting left unity.
exactly, authority is a mechanism to affect change and organize. Unjust authority is antithetical to the tenants of Marxism anyways, as all power/authority must come from the workers and belong to the workers.
Some short snippets of an already very short piece by Engels
Skipping ahead to two examples:
Saying your "pro-authoritarian" is like saying you're "pro-screwdriver". It's a tool to make things happen, not an identity lol
stares at infrared, "patriotic socialists", and all the gonzalo-stans
yeah...radlibs aren't just larping as anarchists. It's a problem throughout the left in the imperial core.
Because radlibs looking to be more revolutionary than they are feel safe adopting Anarchistic labels and some leftist language. Generally speaking, only people who have really read, understand, and internalize the literature call themselves a ML, not because ML's are somehow superior but because they are "The Bad Guys." On the other hand any Radlib can read the introduction to the Bread book, or whatever Anarchist text they havent actually read, and claim to be an Anarchist.
Because we keep letting the Lisa Simpsons of the world talk for some reason
Just looks different when MLs do it. Confused baby MLs go around accusing everyone of being revisionist or Kautskyites or whatever.