• Red Wizard 🪄@lemmygrad.ml
    5 months ago

    Point of clarification, if you watch the video and listen closely with headphones, you can hear she is clearly saying “Go back to China where they are committing genocide… Go back to China where they are committing genocide”.

    In some ways, even worse then what was reported.

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    5 months ago

    As someone who's experienced old KKKrakas telling me to "go back to China" multiple times, I can only imagine how confusing it would be for someone to hear that who is not, in fact, from Asia.

    • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
      5 months ago

      I've gotten immediate, off-the-cuff anti-asian racism online just for pushing back on US warmongering propaganda. I am extremely not asian.

      Seems to be a similar dynamic here with Pelosi, actually: the baseline assumption that no Real American could possibly be against genocide. And, you know, heartbreaking, but not the way she thinks.

  • M68040 [they/them]
    5 months ago

    What if some issues were actually domestic and not the result of foreign interference

    • AnarchoAnarchist [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      If that were the case, then hypothetically she should feel ashamed that she has been part of the system for this many decades and accomplished so little.

      Fortunately for her, everyone she doesn't like is a Russian agent, so she doesn't have to do any of that nasty introspection.

      • CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml
        5 months ago

        I think she's aware of what she's doing, is doing so intentionally, and has no shame about it. When dealing with imperialists, never attribute to stupidity that which can be attributed to malice (or at least amoral disregard for others).

        • AnarchoAnarchist [none/use name]
          5 months ago

          People tend to not be the villain in their own story.

          Regardless of her intentions, I think we both agree, she has earned a place on the wall, after the revolution.

          You know what, because she is such a pioneering girl boss, she can be the first female politician up against the wall after the revolution.

    • Fishroot [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      for a country that promotes individual responsibility and freedom, the America doesn't seems to be capable to have any self evaluation or awareness

      • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
        5 months ago

        Individual responsibility preached in the US is only about justifying why poor people deserve to be poor. Rich people are absolved of all responsibility

  • synae[he/him]@lemmy.sdf.org
    5 months ago

    Aside from the dismissive propagandist aspect, this is incredibly racist. Sf has the largest Chinatown in the US, last I heard. I wonder if she just cost herself a lot of voters

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Pelosi's checklist

    Russia-Yes China-Yes Iran-? DPRK-?

  • HeavenAndEarth [she/her]
    5 months ago

    Holy shit, will Pelosi be the first sitting congressperson to say the word tankie?

  • CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml
    5 months ago

    I showed this a a conservative friend and he made a remark about Pelosi would know because she used the same headquarters for the 2020 protests. Burgers, amiright?

  • refolde [she/her, any]
    5 months ago

    KKKommunity Note$$ at it again


    Everyone behind this deserves to be dragged onto the streets and beaten savagely.

  • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    Dear California - vote 3rd party. Just ...,oh who am I kidding this state is so easily brain mushed they constantly get tricked into voting against queer rights by out of state mormons, have constant Democrat super majority but can't pass unuversal health care despite being the worlds 5th largest economy, and is incapable of holding a monopoly energy company accountable for catastrophic negligence based arson.