"In an unprecedented move for humanity, humans are filtering out who they associate with and listen to based on their beliefs and values."
Wow. This is highly problematic and I will not be spending $20 each on a dozen copies of your new hardcover book.
Bottom-up authoritarianism
Me looking outside: Nope, a socialist revolution still isn't underway:sicko-wistful:
Bottomocracy eventually transitions to Bottomarchy and then to Total Bottomatarianism.
It doesn't matter to the people she is grifting. They ain't rational.
As long as she throws in some hate every once in awhile she could speak in tongues for all they care.
bottom-up authoritarianism
let me translate that one for you
people on the bottom seeing material improvements is AuThOrItArIaNiSm!!!
Easy to mistake contrarianism for intelligence, if you aren't that smart.
Bari Weiss's fans were never that smart, but they sure think they are.