If freedom, liberty and justice = bald eagle
racism, greed and inequality represents what animal exactly
Mosquitoes are pretty important to ecosystems as a source of food for many animals, which when I word it like that makes me feel very bad for the mosquitoes.
I mean yeah parasites and bugs but there's also a bad history of likening people/nations as such
America is that one dinosaur that stole eggs, because it’s a coward and will hopefully one day be extinct :inshallah:
Especially if it's a specific human. "Yeah our national animal is Theo."
termites, rip apart that which others built, feed it all to their extremely bloated rulers.
Giving birth through your clitoris is an accurate metaphor for the American healthcare industry
Well, if thats true, Hyenas are way too cool to be America
also they're matriarchal too right?
animals are good. nations are bad. i don't think i understand the question.
i think Mexico deserves the eagle a lot more than the United States tho.
It’s not an animal and it also bridges that dialectical contradiction between life and death but America should certainly be represented by the coronavirus.
Australia would still be a Kangaroo.
However, it is specifically stuffed and mounted by a particularly incompetent taxidermist. Meanwhile everybody says they just found it that way.