I keep hearing them say things like "oh, no, Trump isn't a real conservative, he's an insult to the true and honorable conservatives who helped make this nation great" But I think my brain is too functional to understand what point they're even getting at.

What possible meaningful definition of "conservative" includes the decades of shit ass doodoo ass Republicans but not Trump?

  • thefunkycomitatus [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    They think being conservative just means you're more traditional and that you don't like taxes but you're still a good person for the most part. They're largely unaware of what conservative members of government actually do. They just think it's their conservative grandpa being like "I don't want to pay more taxes" and then some Democrat Sorkin-splaining why paying for kids to play music is a good thing. They're just willfully ignorant of what goes on in government. Their lives are pretty comfortable despite all the austerity and stripping away of rights so they don't notice. They live in bubbles so they don't even see it indirectly. They just view poverty and discrimination as some kind of vague affliction.