I mean, neither libertarians nor incels particularly value women as people, by as far as I know, only one of them want to do sex slavery supported by direct physical violence. The Libertarian worldview doesn't really require women to be a lower caste than men, just for economic conditions to worsen so that prostitution is the only way to avoid starving to death.
I mean tbh libertarians don't value people as people but tools for use. Under libertarian/capitalist thought sex is to be commodified and one who cannot obtain it isn't unable to obtain because they have something wrong in how they interact with partners/people it's that they don't have enough power to coerce sex from those individuals. Just peeps wanting to be petite fash and abuse a "trad wife".
The concept of a labour market is built on that some won't be able to compete. 100% employment isn't something that capitalism provides. You need a desperate underclass.
I think most ancaps are aware that there will be a desperate underclass, just that they think that is a good thing (survival of the fittest etc). Your mileage with them may vary though.
Nah he definitely has
I mean, neither libertarians nor incels particularly value women as people, by as far as I know, only one of them want to do sex slavery supported by direct physical violence. The Libertarian worldview doesn't really require women to be a lower caste than men, just for economic conditions to worsen so that prostitution is the only way to avoid starving to death.
I mean tbh libertarians don't value people as people but tools for use. Under libertarian/capitalist thought sex is to be commodified and one who cannot obtain it isn't unable to obtain because they have something wrong in how they interact with partners/people it's that they don't have enough power to coerce sex from those individuals. Just peeps wanting to be petite fash and abuse a "trad wife".
Which requires the view that women can't compete in the labour market
The concept of a labour market is built on that some won't be able to compete. 100% employment isn't something that capitalism provides. You need a desperate underclass.
I was writing from an ancap point of view, obviously.
I think most ancaps are aware that there will be a desperate underclass, just that they think that is a good thing (survival of the fittest etc). Your mileage with them may vary though.
Well you can provide it for a short period of time. Then you get the capital strikes and it all goes south
Yeah very few non-incel libertarians are planning to stage a literal insurrection against the Stacy’s