Who would have thought that spending most of your show with your main character wandering aimlessly in the desert, and most of the rest of it being spent with a character from a much better show, would make for a really shitty unfocused story with no stakes or interesting characters? They didn't even try, man. They spend millions on these things and they didn't even try.

They try and build it up like he's protecting people he's come to know and respect but literally everyone he builds a relationship with dies except for the Cyberpunk kids. Maybe they should have spent time developing the people instead of doing, idk, an episode of Pimp My Ride with the Mandalorian????

At least the Mandalorian had a fun adventure vibe to it, but BoBF is just watching a fat old man fail miserably at being a crime lord. He's all like "don't worry about the other gangs, I made a deal where they pinky promised not to double-cross me and side with the guys who they directly told me have made them incredibly wealthy". DUMBASS! I could run a better crime syndicate.

  • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
    3 years ago

    The Mandalorian was basically just a western in space, just a cool looking badass wandering around getting bounties looking after a baby that he didnt want to watch out for, which was cool for a season.

    They should just make Space Bonanza or Space Virginian or Space Gunsmoke and focus on like one town in Tatooine and the big episode of the season would have stakes like "Oooh there's a jedi in town and bounty hunters are going to follow them, what do we do?", and the normal episodes would be like "The Empire wants their tax money, but we don't have any. Also they tried to fuck around in the bar and got their shit pushed in, oh dear how do we explain this away."

    Getting real tired of them putting the Skywalker family into everything :sadness: