I was browsing some top played playlists because I'm a sucker for pop music and I saw the Chris Brown had a single on the charts. How the fuck is this guy not cancelled. He has been found guilty of beating women on numerous counts, how does anyone justify supporting him at this point. This honestly makes me so mad, he isn't even good.
Because people beat women all the time and no one cares.
We live in a shitty sexist society
mind you don't end up like this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e77oXjFkIs
bad steel can be a big problem
II think I remember you posting about that. What an absolute chad :07:
Cancel culture doesn't real, business doesn't care unless/until it impacts sales.
Also how Rihanna turned assault into success was kind of illuminating for me
We also would have accepted "The invisible hand of the marketplace"
He was enabled by certain performers. Drake who claims to have loved Rihanna did a single with him and since he hasn’t gotten canceled even though he is a pedophile groomer, then he started showing up in the charts again and now he is back.
It’s also these idea of separating the artist from the art. Because otherwise a lot of music in spotify would have to get pulled down.
Roman Polanski still has a career.
The entire entertainment industry is made up of horrible, ghastly human beings. Once you understand this it makes sense.
He was canceled for a like a minute, he did some perfunctory (minor) self-flagellation and was thereby re-embraced by the record industry.
Media people kinda suck in general, from my personal experience and from everything blatantly in the open.