An undying curse has been cast upon a bodily husk and I have been tasked by cruelty of fate with Divine Star Trek Takes. Meeting perfection, I encounter an abyss of irrelevance and a void of dark cruelty. The only balm: the worst Star Trek takes and absurd headcanon that Hexbear can muster. Please, you are my only hope.

  • Circra [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Okay so. You know how we are on the cusp of implants that can control computers etc but in star trek they have if anything less advanced mundane stuff (comms pads etc) than we do now? That's because like many other spacefaring civilizations, they had a fair few accidents generating something like the borg when it came to merging machine and sapient life and put the brakes on that sort of shit sharphish.