• CommieElon [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I think we’re going to see a rightward shift in Hispanic voting patterns as they become assimilated. I would say many Hispanics are socially conservative already, but they lean Dem because the Dems association with labor.

    But the Dems will continue to abandon working class voters in favor of their new favorite electorate, the college educated professional woke class. That will lead to Hispanics being split in their voting patterns.

    • OfficialBenGarrison [he/him]
      3 years ago

      That's why I will always LOL at any bluecheck that hates Bernie but dreams of a blue, gentrified Texas. Bernie was their best shot at that happening.

      • He polled very well with Latinos.
      • He raised interest in NON-VOTERS. We're not gonna win over hogs. We likely will win over a few, but non-voters are the better market here.
      • Didn't start cheesily pandering to Latinos during election season by breaking out into Spanish.

      I'm not saying to go stupidpol here. In fact, I think that prioritizing labor will lead to the de-hogging of many.

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        3 years ago

        100% this. The emphasis on labor will have a huge impact on a lot of lives in the Latin communities because spoiler alert: They're the fucking labor.

        Also like every Mexican or Mexican-descent individual I've ever worked with has told me they find it really pandering (not offensive, just total WTF kinda reaction) when white politicians bust out the Spanish for points. Older millenial 2nd Gen Mexicans grew up in houses where the parents didn't teach them Spanish because they wanted them to assimilate to English which compounds the awkward factor for them in particular.

    • Runcible [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      When your platform is based on the first five bullet points that are randomly pulled out of a hat.

      What is the "Dem association with labor"? Does anyone really think people believe the Dems are pro-union instead of corporate?

      • Thomas_Dankara [any,comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        What is the “Dem association with labor”? Does anyone really think people believe the Dems are pro-union instead of corporate?

        nobody here believes that, but the dems have been running on the legacy of the New Deal, and the Great Society even if they don't do anything like that anymore. Basically these moves were dem attempts to prevent communist revolution by offering a semblance of social democracy. Those semblances of social democracy have been chipped away by neoliberalism and decline.

        The Republicans similarly run on the fact that they were the good guys during the civil war era. "Party of Lincoln" bullshit obviously doesn't apply to them anymore but it doesn't mean they're above using that idea for propaganda. Also, just like New Deal was to prevent communist revolution, Emancipation was to prevent secession. Both were quasi-progressive moves that were done cynically for reactionary reasons. Lincoln wasn't abolitionist, and even when he became in favor of emancipation, he wanted it to be limited only to states that had rebelled. That's why loyal slave states got to keep their slaves until after the 13th amendment.

      • TurkeySausageLiker [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Republicans are almost entirely openly hostile to Unions while Dems will proudly boast their endorsements with labor unions. A couple local unions in my area endorsed the "moderate" GOP governor in 2018 and nobody talked about it, including the candidate himself, but the Dem candidate made a point to call out the unions that supported him.