What the fuck does this shit have to do with subverting the message of stonetoss comics in a way that would be counter to his narratives? Isn’t that the fucking point of the sub?
That’s literally the only justification for using fascist imagery: directly using it to intimidate or parody fash (i.e. burning of the swastika, putting Nazi patches on enemies or cowards in depictions).
What are you even saying here that requires the parody of a fascist webcomic to say? Because, honestly? This is something that stonetoss would probably fucking post in a different context. The right-wing Putin simping probably being the only fucking barrier between this comic’s message being used in an actual fucking stonetoss comic.
You know, when you use fascist symbolism to post anticommunist messages, it’s no longer parody: it’s just fascist agitprop. You’re doing the work for them.
Shit’s bleak :pain: we’ve got the same motherfuckers who killed Rosa co-opting the label of the KPD resistance to the Nazis. No language is safe from co-opting, those who would be fascist collaborators hiding under the label of antifascism. Words no longer have meaning, we live in a post-definition era. All that matters is subtext and action.
Marg bar :reddit-logo:
Where was all this supposed concern for warcrimes when videos were coming out of Azov occupied Mariupol, hmmmmm
Since the winners of WWII in creating the UN decided they should never face war crime tribunals they will never face them. Since the advent of the UN security council and its never-changing five member veto club most war crimes - imperial/colonial wars - escape justice because of a veto made. The only war crimes that the UN ever uses its security powers on are when colonies or former colonies resist aggression from one of the five.
Should Azov, The Wagner Group, all the FSB/CIA/Mi-6 and countless more be held accountable for their actions in Ukraine? They sure should, but they won't. Not while those vetoes hold.
There is no hope for Ukraine or Russia to prosecute their own soldiers in what began as a small scale civil war in less than 10% of the country. They'll partition off and hate each other for a few generations and no one will ever be held accountable. That is the sad truth for all those civilians brutalized in this war. There will be no justice, and all because of some bullshit that was decided 80 years ago. Who is going to force either NATO or Russia to hold themselves to account? Nobody.
Or when Russian POWs were burned alive. 1, 2, 3
Uh actually it's Whataboutism to bring that up now, several days later