Yeah another trip to the psychward. Not good. I'm out and my meds got upped but my dad is in really bad shape health wise. In typical dad form he wants to sell the house and kick me out on the street. I guess now even my half sister, the one he actually loves, won't talk to him. I got no real help in the hospital again this time. I asked if I could be evaluated if I have ADHD and PTSD but they weren't able to test due to being short staffed. I did get an official diagnosis for OCD though. Right now mentally I'm a mess and I'm exhausted.
Thank you. I legit do not know what is wrong with me, I know OCD and anxiety and part of it, but I wonder about ADHD and PTSD from what I've read/talked to people IRL about. That sounds absolutely awful though, so horrible kids have to go through this shit.
i'll provide a counter to puddinbrain's advice - adhd medication has helped me massively in the past, and i'm trying to get a prescription for it again - without the medication, i sometimes struggle to get a single thing done. it is something that's very hit and miss - a lot of people dislike the effects of the medication, but i would say it is worth a try.
My meds were absolute dogshit right up until they work. Hard to keep trying out new meds when the shitty ones are making you more depressed or apathetic. But I’d give myself some time in between to normalize again and then try something else. At this point I have no desire to go back to being unmedicated
Will +1 this, without my vyvanse it would be a struggle for me to get anything of note done throughout the day. I had quite the opposite experience growing up though and was not prescribed any medication for it until I was ~19 despite having a diagnosis from kindergarten
Vyvanse is the GOAT. Too bad it’s so fucking expensive. It’s getting a generic next year tho
If you actually do have adhd my experience is most people with it are on the smarter side of the curve. And the adhd chews away at you on the daily if you continue to operate in this mundane dull capitalist world of grinding. I now really get into certain hobbies. Get good at it put a lot of energy into it. Get bored and than move on.
I just find all the commercials i see about adhd a bit dismaying. Maybe it’s not you. Maybe everyone wasn’t meant to be a good little desk clerck or cashier. Maybe you are meant to be busting ass in a field or work site or under a car. I also think if you have been diagnosed with adhd it would be hard to also be ocd. I don’t have the attention span for that. Im a ditz that forgets where he put my keys i was just holding a minute ago. But that’s just my opinion.
Wow this is all me pretty much to a certain degree. Like the hobbies thing. I get into these obsessive spirals for a while over a topic or subject and try to learn all I can about it only to drop it a few days later. I can never finish what I start. And I'm a total scatter brain, like when people talk fast for instance I just can't keep up. Writing and typing on the internet though help me focus and put what I'm thinking into words and concrete ideas.
I hear this a lot more from people who were diagnosed as a kid. The way we force kids onto meds instead of accommodating behaviors and teaching coping mechanisms is fucked
:deeper-sadness: all that sounds really rough don't got much to say other than :meow-hug: hope things work out somehow.
Thank you for all the hugs and well wishes comrades.
Sending love and good vibes comrade, glad you're at least safe rn. Hope things look up soon :meow-hug:
That's what I'm doing. Today I cleaned up a little, and I'm eating dinner. That's it. Tomorrow, I'll tackle something else.
Welcome back comrade, this place is darker without you in it. <3
Go and have a nap or sleep if you're able to do so. Hopefully maybe that can help with the exhaustion.
Just had two cups of coffee lol I was craving it, wicked headache since I was in withdrawal, the place I went to only had decaf.
:rat-salute: thank goodness comrade, what you're going through sucks but I'm glad to hear from you
Glad to see you back - and I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with so much.
Glad you’re back, friend. Congrats on the diagnosis. I hope you know if your dad kicks you out we’ve got your back
Thank you. I seriously wish we had a commune I could escape to with my cat Mr. Softie.
He could be the emotional support cat of the commune I want everyone to share his love.