There were reports of people taking off their masks in flight the second they found out

Porky is going to sacrifice these people for the line and they're happy about it.

  • frequentflier [he/him]
    2 年前


    i was flying yesterday when it happened. people clapped and cheered. not everyone, but a few vocal ones, like when your plane has been delayed at the gate for an hour after boarding and finally the pilot announcing you'll be taking off.

    and yes, everyone (including myself) immediately removed their masks. i got omicron a few months back and am triple vaxxed so i am not at risk of spreading or catching covid, and it's much more comfortable without one.

    anyone who hasn't gotten it should keep their masks on tbh but where i am pretty much everyone got omicron so i'm not surprised no one masks up anymore

    • TheBroodian [none/use name]
      2 年前

      i am not at risk of spreading or catching covid,

      I hate to tell you this, but that isn't how this works

      • frequentflier [he/him]
        2 年前

        It is absolutely how it works.

        “There are reinfections, but it is unlikely that -- if you mounted a good immune response -- at least over a period of several months, it is extremely unlikely that you will be reinfected with the same variant,” Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in a press briefing on Friday.

        If you factor in various other factors such as my vaccination plus booster, and the fact that I showed quite a bit of resistance to omicron even before getting it (took a week of habitation with an infected person before it got past my immune system), the risk of my catching and then spreading it is so utterly small that it is effectively none when it comes to risk management decisions. If I were that risk averse, I simply wouldn't travel by plane or car anyway.

    • vccx [they/them]
      2 年前

      Masks protect others from catching the virus from you, wearing one below a well fitted and properly used n95 only provides minimal protection for yourself

      • frequentflier [he/him]
        2 年前

        What would you estimate the probability of me having symptomless covid and spreading it to someone, given the reinfection rate for omicron among vaccinated people who've had it and had an immune response to it within the past several months?

        Just a ballpark number, I'm legitimately curious of what kind of risk you are assigning to this

    • eduardog3000 [he/him]
      2 年前

      and yes, everyone (including myself) immediately removed their masks. i got omicron a few months back and am triple vaxxed so i am not at risk of spreading or catching covid, and it’s much more comfortable without one.

      Holy shit no. Leave your fucking mask on. You absolutely can spread and catch covid still.

      • frequentflier [he/him]
        2 年前

        I'll repeat from my other comment:

        What would you estimate the probability of me having symptomless covid and spreading it to someone, given the reinfection rate for omicron among vaccinated people who’ve had it and had an immune response to it within the past several months?

        Just a ballpark number, I’m legitimately curious of what kind of risk you are assigning to this

        • eduardog3000 [he/him]
          2 年前

          What would you estimate the probability of me having symptomless covid and spreading it to someone

          Too high. Just wear a fucking mask it takes literally no effort and doesn't negatively affect you in any meaningful way.

          • frequentflier [he/him]
            2 年前

            How high is too high?

            Would you say it's higher than the chance of someone being harmed as a result of a car trip, either instead of the plane ride or during the rides to/from the airport?

            • eduardog3000 [he/him]
              2 年前

              None of those things are contagious. It's not just the chance of you getting it, but spreading it to others.

              Again, it takes literally no effort and doesn't negatively affect you in any meaningful way.

              • frequentflier [he/him]
                2 年前

                Masks are uncomfortable, especially if you have skin conditions, and especially if you have to wear them during travel times that have ranged up to 25 hours in the past year for me.

                I just don't want to. Just like I would be reducing the risk of killing other people by walking 4 hours with my luggage to the Amtrack station and then taking a 2.5 day train ride vs ubering to the airport and taking a 5 hour flight. But I don't really want to.

                So no, I don't really care about changing a one in a hundred million chance of infecting someone into a one in a million chance. And given the rates of covid illness being more than a cold, we're closer to one in a billion. The numbers would be different if I didn't have vax or natural immunities.

                And yes, you have my permission to absolutely stay mad about it. 💅 I hope you understand how comically alienating you fellas are to the working class. 💪

                • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
                  2 年前

                  Bro if you fly that much, you are the one who is alienated from the working class, lol. You're probably some consultant or manager dipshit, and in the event you are actually like, a high skill welder or something, your experience of frequent traveling is incredibly alienated from the average worker. Shits not a commute, it's an event.

                • eduardog3000 [he/him]
                  2 年前

                  Masks are uncomfortable, especially if you have skin conditions, and especially if you have to wear them during travel times that have ranged up to 25 hours in the past year for me. I just don’t want to.

                  Holy shit get over yourself. Masks aren't that uncomfortable.

                  Just like I would be reducing the risk of killing other people by walking 4 hours with my luggage to the Amtrack station and then taking a 2.5 day train ride vs ubering to the airport and taking a 5 hour flight. But I don’t really want to.

                  Ahh yes, 2 and a half days in an enclosed metal tube with other people, definitely safer than 5 hours in an enclosed metal tube with other people. Plus obviously walking 4 hours is not a feasible form of transport.

                  So no, I don’t really care about changing a one in a hundred million chance of infecting someone into a one in a million chance. And given the rates of covid illness being more than a cold, we’re closer to one in a billion.

                  Your source for that.

                  And yes, you have my permission to absolutely stay mad about it. 💅 I hope you understand how comically alienating you fellas are to the working class. 💪

                  Ok you're just some dumbass troll.