• DragonNest_Aidit [they/them,use name]
    2 years ago

    Why is there no western opposition to this? Are they so thoroughly distracted by Ukraine that they legitimately let all of these things going against their interest flew past? I mean there's also the thing with the Solomon islands forming defensive pact with China.

      • ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them]
        2 years ago


        Cover Your heavens, Zeus

        With cloud vapor

        And try Your strike, as a boy

        Beheading thistles,

        Against oaken trees and mountain heights;

        You still must leave me

        My Earth standing

        And my hut ,which You did not build,

        And my hearth, home's glowing

        My Fire that You begrudge me!

        I know of nothing poorer

        Under the sun than You gods!

        Indigently You feed

        Your majesty

        On proffered sacrifice

        And breathfuls of prayer.

        You would starve to naught

        If not children and beggars

        your hopeless fools

        When I was a child

        That knew not its way in the world.

        I would lift my deluded eyes

        To the sun as though out beyond it

        There were an ear to hear my complaints

        A heart like mine

        That would take pity on my oppression.

        Who came to my aid

        Against the Titans' and their insolent rage?

        Who delivered me from death,

        From slavery?

        Was it not you, sacred heart ablaze,

        Who achieved it all?

        And, swindled in your youth and good will,

        Did you not glow, with thanks fit for a Savior,

        Against that mere Sleeper on high?

        I should honor You?

        For what?

        Did You ever gentle

        The ache of my burden?

        Did You ever dry

        The tears of tribulation?

        Was I not forged to manhood

        By Time Almighty

        And Eternal Destiny,

        My masters and Yours?

        Perhaps You believed

        I should find life hateful,

        And flee to the wilderness

        Because not all my blossom-dreams

        Reached ripeness?


        Here I will sit, fashioning men

        In my own image,

        A race after my likeness,

        A race that will suffer and weep,

        A Race to Despise You! , as i do !

        And rejoice and delight with heads held high

        And heed Your will no more

        Than I!

      • Commander_Data [she/her]
        2 years ago

        I really hope yesterday's news that Mexico had ended its co-operation with US three letter agencies and rescinded immunity for foreign agents is a pro-active measure against typical US destabilization tactics.

      • Bloobish [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        This most likely, no ghoul CIA wonk will want an actual war on the border unless its the only option available. I expect if it gets bad enough you will have a random cartel gain access to military grade weaponry to assassinate AMLO out of the blue.

        • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          There is essentially no scenario at all under which the US would actually do a war with Mexico. It would simply never happen. Proximity is why Cuba's been protected against proper US invasion.

          • Bloobish [comrade/them]
            2 years ago

            I could see it occurring only in the event of a near collapsed US with the most batshit of ghouls and zealots in control. It would not work and very quickly backfire but I could def see it happening once the country is fully backed into the corner with death on the horizon and under christofascist control.

          • bigboopballs [he/him]
            2 years ago

            There is essentially no scenario at all under which the US would actually do a war with Mexico.

            why not?

        • LoudMuffin [he/him]
          2 years ago

          I expect if it gets bad enough you will have a random cartel gain access to military grade weaponry to assassinate AMLO out of the blue.

          They've had the kind of weaponry to outright engage with the military for ages. I think all they are missing is anti air capabilities.

    • mittens [he/him]
      2 years ago

      There is! They did manage to successfully block the energy reform, which was plenty more important than the lithium nationalization. Also pretty much every press outlet, every news TV show, every political radio show has been running pro-privatization narratives, even the ones that are purportedly "progressive", things are pretty zany if you peer into the abyss of corporate news outlets. US ambassador in Mexico Ken Salazar has been very vocal about US opposition and congressmen outside Morena's party have been mailing Biden and Salazar expressing their "concern" over growing threats of "authoritarianism". Ken Salazar also claims this violates USMCA, so I expect court proceedings in the near future. There's also a tangible fear that Morena will reach qualified majority on the next term and eventually pass the energy reform which would be a bigger blow but without AMLO, everything's up in the air.