Every Nation of Islam person I've seen online seems absolutely fucking insane, IDK how people miss the borderline Nazism levels of antisemetism from them
There is a reason why they are considered a hate group lol
But in this case, I think Felix misses the fact that Yakub in this case is a white nationalist dog whistle
Every Nation of Islam person I've seen online seems absolutely fucking insane, IDK how people miss the borderline Nazism levels of antisemetism from them
There is a reason why they are considered a hate group lol
But in this case, I think Felix misses the fact that Yakub in this case is a white nationalist dog whistle
He invented white people
I read that on Wikipedia. How is it a dog whistle?
White nationalists think its funny and use it ironically as a way to internally make fun of black people.
Basically like a "oh this is what they all believe look how stupid and inferior they all are" and shit like that.