"Overcoming poverty"
Huh wonder what was going on economically in the US when you "overcame" poverty Orrin?
Even if he genuinely did and it's meant to be "inspiring"...
I was just alluding to the fact that he was probably a beneficiary of the New Deal and all the racist gatekeeping that period entailed. It was a time where certain people could very well go from rags to riches working their way up from the mailroom to the board room, going from a lowly grocery bagger to a proud small business owner of their own making.
What is always omitted is the fact you basically had to be an already relatively comfortable white man for any of that to actually apply.
Some black veterans did receive the benefit of the GI bill, but they were largely a minority compared to the rest. (When you remember that they formed a strong vanguard in the Civil Rights struggle, then you begin to realize why)
The names these freaks have never cease to amaze me. Orrin hatch lmao
lol, I came across "Denim Powell" as the main character of Tactics Ogre the other day, but my personal favorite is "Stick Breitling" from Zombie Revenge.
Consider term limits. The US Constitution was amended to enforce term limits in direct response to FDR’s popular 12-year presidency (he died in office, going on for 16). As a policy, it is self-evidently quite anti-democratic (robbing the people of a choice), but nevertheless it has been conceptually naturalized to the extent that the 2019 coup against Evo Morales was premised explicitly on the idea that repeated popular electoral victories constituted a form of dictatorship. If rotation was important to avoid corruption or complacency, corporations and supreme courts would institute term limits too. Term limits ensure that in the miraculous scenario that a scrupulous, charismatic, and intelligent individual becomes a rebellious political executive, they won’t be in power long enough to meaningfully challenge the entrenched power of corporate vehicles manned by CEOs with decades of experience. Wolfgang Schäuble, a powerful advocate of austerity policy in Europe, succinctly summarized the extent to which electoral democracy is subordinate: “Elections cannot be allowed to change economic policy.” One Party States and Democratic Centralism are not the result of lack of sophistication or cronyism, they are a proven bulwark that acknowledges that political power will often need to be exerted against the will of Capital, and so the wielders of said power must necessarily undergo a much more serious vetting process than a popularity contest.
from https://redsails.org/why-marxism/
Liberals assume that most elected officials will be good, so limiting the terms makes sense because if you get a bad one you can replace them sooner rather than later.
Proletarian democracy assumes exactly the opposite. Most elected officials will probably be bad, so a worker's party must intervene in the democratic process to ensure that the worst ones are disqualified, and the best ones can wield power for as long as they have a democratic mandate to do so.
Median age is 38, he's been senatoring for longer than more than half of Americans have been alive.
*Republicans trying to hang on for just a few more years so they can reach the dogwhistle number before they die*
Overcoming a life of privilege and excess, Hatch shuffled off his mortal coil and immediately entered hell.
I wish I could keep in my head all the things these people did that I should hate them for. As it is, all I can really do is recognize names of people who did a bunch of awful things. "Ron Johnson? Holy shit that guy sucks" oh no shit? what did he do? "Oh... bad things...?"
Anyway fuck this guy.