• invalidusernamelol [he/him]M
        2 years ago

        That bich doesn't drive to Charlotte to save a buck, I know for a fact he spends the extra $300 to fly first class on an American CRJ700

        It's also way easier to sneak shit through Asheville Regional than Charlotte so it's where everyone who wants to smuggle things flys out of.

        • invo_rt [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Oh, this isn't the first time. He got caught doing the same thing in Asheville in February 2021. It just wasn't covered as well as this time was.

          • invalidusernamelol [he/him]M
            2 years ago

            I'm very aware, let's just say that the one "famous person" I know in life happens to be this fucking rapist shithead.

            For the record, everyone who knew him growing up hates his guts and most want him dead.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      2 years ago

      People get all kinds of shit past the TSA all the time. Whenever they do tiger team tests the TSA fails to find the bombs like 90%+ of the time.

      Also, fun fact - I refuse to go through the milimeter wave scanners because fuck Michael Chertoff so I get frisked every single time. In all that time I think they've checked the soles of my feet once.