Hey everyone,

We are working with the fine folks at discord.me/redpixel who have generously leased us some real estate near the centre of the map to advertise our server. So, it's group project time.

First, some ground rules.

  1. Don't fuck up other people's artwork. If you want to draw big dongs or something, use our space at https://pixelcanvas.io/@-42069,0 to do so. This doesn't apply to swastikas or chud shit. Fuck Nazis. The exception is at the PixelFrance site. RedPixel and them are in a non aggression pact. Don't fuck this up for us please.

  2. Stay within our area. This is the square between (152, -195) and (213, -155)

  3. Nothing offensive or making us look bad. It's supposed to be a promotion of the site and a cool art thing. Don't be chuds.

  1. Deputising @comradeandy as they are helping us with this. Listen to them.

Other than that, have fun.

  • ComradeAndy [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Alright folks, gals, and enby pals. Here's a link to the plugin that we use to know what pixels to draw in our different commie and trans bases.

    https://github.com/traa-pixelcanvas/Minimap Instructions to install are below in the webpage

    It will help you understand where our art is and how it should look like if you want to give a shot at filling up some incomplete art, but also so that you know where there are no plans for anything in the future, so that you can draw whatever in between.

    Let me know if you have any questions.