Thank you Hexbear for not being like disgusting shit in this pic. There are far too few sites like Hexbear. This is quite sincerely the only place safe for everyone on the left.
Why would any fully functioning adult willingly hang out on an image board
You can switch topics (video games, politics, anime, whatever) but the tone remains the exact same, just assholes being dicks to each other and calling each other slurs. Reading this shit is like being stuck in a train car with a group of the most obnoxious kind of thirteen year old boys
Why would any fully functioning adult willingly hang out on an image board
it's embarrassing to admit but
i find people sharing things there that would be censored on twitter (such as testimonies from the civilians in donbass)
there's a lot of reactionaries there but also a lot of alienated proles
it's the only imageboard I know of that lets you post PDFs, mp3 files, etc.. I actually have gotten a few books from there, and given a few books to people there.
Image boards and dark webs are usually filled with fash but contain some of the realest people you will ever talk to.
I jumped ship though because the fash started pushing out the cool people and they all came to places like here.
Cause people there actually talk politics
The comparison is that on leftypol, arguments on theory frequently devolve into OP's pic, but you still get good conversations sometimes, whereas Hexbear is essentially a permanent dunk tank with no discussion to begin with.
Mao: women hold up half the sky
PatSocs: appealing to women is literally idpol
hey that's me calling everyone a cracker
board quality has really declined in the last two years, it seems like all the decent people literally logged off and are now organizing in person and all that's left is all the stupid ass Haz patsoc /pol/ converts trying to simp for the fascist imperialist pigdog running dogs (did I mention that they are d*gs!?) in some idiotic red brown alliance
it's honestly pathetic how much people there try to pander to /pol/ and the other parts of the internet right, like dude how can you not browse 4chan/8chan for years and not realize right wingers (especially online right wingers) want to fucking kill you for even being like a democrat voter
just a bunch of dumbass white kids lol
all the decent people literally logged off and are now organizing in person
hey that’s me calling everyone a cracker
that was me calling you based :solidarity:
ayyyy its me, the pirate poster lmao- I 100 agree with u on that place, I kinda just went there to find a place with left discourse, ended up finding a noxious plume of fire instead it's fun as fuck to troll the incels on /siberia/ tho ngl. there's like a single-digit amount of cool ppl still there, most are reactionaries that treat their chauvinism and loserishness as revolutionary. I guess that's what happens when a bunch of angry suburban boys want to feel special and important and right about everything. I post stuff on there for like glimpses of hope there's still good, and sometimes u see it, but other times its just a shitfest. A lot of the question threads can literally just be answered with Cultural Hegemony, and a lot of the ppl there just respond with soyjaks to anything that remotely requires thought or discourse. I guess I shouldn't expect too much good from imageboards, but idk, I don't rlly know if there is a place for good convos and ppl. I've never heard of this place though, maybe I'll try it out? Something fun to do while I'm purposely being unproductive on porky's time- :2pac:
Love that a segment of w*stern "leftism" is just "we should be even more racist and bigoted than the fascist to win over the :grillman: demographic". This is why the global south is the future of communism, support for feminism and racial justice have always been the top priority of non-west socialists, and now we're seeing support for LGBT in ascendancy among AES states.
If these "leftist" keep refusing to abandon the reactionary thoughts they held so dear, then frankly that means they're not on our side in the class war.
Smart enough to understand that capitalism is the problem, not smart enough to understand that racism and bigotry is a product of it
I'm angry at how hard it is to fucking read that text. Why are these boards designed this way
No, I'd rather angrily squint at the tiny text like a boomer and complain about its size.
Yep, welcome to hexbear, please enjoy your stay and make sure to wipe your shoes on the welcome mat.
At least in the public spaces, you enter certain people's terms, and it's their call.
I prefer people to take their shoes off in my space
So how do these chuds in leftist clothing expect to get anyone who isn't a straight cis white male to support their cause?
Even if you don't care about it from a moral stand point, If you think rejecting racism and sexism isn't important to tearing down the bourgeois status quo, you're just plain stupid
But only the west cares about female representation right?
The primary contradiction in the imperial core is not in fact proletariat vs. bourgeoisie, but colonizer vs. colonized. If that isn't at the center of any American revolution it is not sufficiently revolutionary.
The primary contradiction in the imperial core is not in fact proletariat vs. bourgeoisie, but colonizer vs. colonized
Ah, but the reactionaries will insist you have abandoned communism as they sharpen their long knives
And in the imperial core the average proletarian still benefits from colonialism. Hence the PRIMARY contradiction. You could at least try to engage with my post.
That doesn't mean they aren't complicit in their own oppression. This doesn't refute my point at all...
That also ignores the obvious fact that the proletaruat of the imperial core is kept placated with treats.
Reactionary MLs are frustratingly common online. If all you ever post about is violence, guns, and edgy shit - there's a 99% chance you're just a reactionary who likes being heterodox or the color red idk.
Shit the infighting combined with that one weirdly progressive guy whose both extremely critical yet simultaneously toothless. Reminds me of old fash forums.
EDIT: Oh shit they even have that guy who just goes heavy on the slurs for no reason which makes everyone uncomfortable yet nobody addresses it. This shit's a fash forum.
yet simultaneously toothless.
how can you have teeth on a forum. you can't punch someone through a screen
You're telling me you've never ripped someone a new one through the internet?
If I told these dinguses they should read settlers they’d say it divides the left
And then they’d carry on using slurs and being assholes as if what makes poc feel really safe in a movement is the dominant white group saying the n word and dismissing their needs and concerns as bourgeois bullshit
If I told these dinguses they should read settlers they’d say it divides the left
Since these people have already determined settlers is written by a contemporary lib and have dismissed it, just tell them to read Wretched of the Earth and have their brains self combust trying to discredit a heralded Marxist in Frantz Fanon
That's easy to dismiss though, everyone knows the difference between Fanon and canon.
I haven’t read settlers so I can’t say but Wretched is a vital read to get a better understanding of what Marxism means in the the new world.
they're just fascists. They'd rather a movement with a million boat-dealership owning MAGA guys than one J. Sakai. They fundamentally want a petit-bourgeois middle class imperial core movement that larps as the "true working class" and tramples underfoot the "radlibs" who lecture them about racism. They fundamentally think that the more you care about bigotry within the proletariat, the more liberal you are, as if these concerns must be divorced from the "pure" class struggle. I would also tell them to read Losurdo's "Liberalism: A Counter History" but they aren't ready for that either. They fling slurs at their interlocutors because they think being working class means being ignorant and bigoted, and that the more ignorant and bigoted they are, the more they will resonate with the "true" (white, petit bourgeois, imperial core) "working class"
While depressing as all hell, I'm glad that there is some pushback in the simplest understanding that throwing minorities under the bus does not help your cause one bit. Social issues do get weaponized but I don't think it's the all-killing anti-organization kryptonite they make it out to be. Were that the case, what exactly is the solution? Alienate all your non-white, queer members and tell them their problems are all made up?
the 4chan format is a plague and any place that uses it will become reactionary because most people who are familiar with the format are reactionary
its literally just a forum. you make a thread and then people can post under that thread. because its an "image board" both the original thread post and all its replies can optionally have a picture associated.
thats it, thats the format. pretending not to understand it is very weird
:wtf-am-i-reading: the fuck is wrong with that shithead?
If anyone wants to stratify society in any way, they aren't leftists let alone 'communists'