I'm already hearing about protests and actions being planned in my area, and some talk about how this summer's reaction to it could be similar to or bigger than 2020. Personally I don't know. The 2020 uprisings were global because white supremacy and police brutality are global, but I feel like the US is so particularly backwards regarding abortion that you'd have a hard time getting protests going in other countries where the right to choose is more well-protected.

  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]M
    2 years ago

    I think it is going to be a hot summer, folks. Roe v. Wade has been around for 49 years now. Meanwhile, the median age of the US population is 38. What we're talking about here is taking away a right that has existed longer than the majority of US inhabitants have been alive. Liberals wrap themselves in the banner of abortion rights, but it is women who have to deal with this bullshit. Liberals, I have no faith in. If it were up to them, I'd say we're doomed, but it is not up to the them. It is up to the women, and anybody who doesn't think women know how to throw down is making a big mistake.

    The opening salvo is going to look like a carpet bombing. At least 13 states have anti-abortion laws on their books that will spring into action immediately. In these states, there will be no drawn out battles in the state legislature to fixate people on the evening news. Instructions will be delivered to law enforcement the instant the gavel is swung, and the "justice system" will begin applying these laws to whoever the pigs drag out of their homes and offices. At the federal level, the Democrats seem more poised to use this crisis as a vehicle for re-election than they do to actually tear up any parliamentary roadblocks standing in the way. "Sorry sweaty, the filibuster is in the way."

    We are in a situation much like the months preceding the George Floyd uprising. An unmitigated crisis met head on by a sclerotic political class which thinks only in terms of which way novel forms of reactionary opression will drive polling numbers and fund raising. The most reactionary states will begin taking the initiative to implement these policies, this violence will be resisted, the quivering media will plead for everyone to calm down and hash things out in a civil manner, and they will constantly be miles behind the political line coming from the streets. On the streets, "Abort the Court" will be popular. On the news, we'll hear about the Democrats plan to codify abortion rights into federal law sometime in 2025, with the implied threat of the Republicans simply gutting it the next time they take Congress.

    One thing to consider is that there are a shitton of NGOs in the abortion and reproductive rights space. Many of them are closely linked to the Democratic Party since they are the only electoral option on the table. These NGOs will be organizing a lot of the demonstrations and rallies. They should be treated with skepticism, but we must also consider that there is a strata inside these orgs of genuine people trying to do good in a system which is bankrupt of ways to improve it. Also that the rallies will be happening regardless and we need to do everything we can to prevent them from becoming campaign rallies.

    If any of you get your hands on a megaphone, the line is "We don't have time to wait around for congress to get off its ass and do something. Time is a privilege which has run out."