Nazis can only exist in countries with zero Jews, like Germany in the 1920s.

"I have many relatives in Russia. They start telling me that we have a lot of Nazis," says Dmytro. "I tell them, if this is true, then I am also a Nazi. You can kill me too."

Impeccable logic.

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    2 years ago

    The common excuse i see in Western media rn is that Azov is now under new management. No, that's literally what they're saying, the bad nazi guy who used to be in charge is gone and now they're part of the national guard, so they're not nazis anymore. That's the entire argument for how they've whitewashed a group that has spent the last 8 years with violent hate crimes against LGBT and Roma people to be the heroic defenders of Mariupol, that one bad guy was removed so now they're cool.

    • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      It’s crazy how when the Nazi leader left, all the members’ SS and Nazi symbol tattoos disappeared from their bodies, and all the paraphernalia disappeared and all the members became woke and good

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        2 years ago

        It's honestly wild how they can't keep AZOV guys off the front page of the news. I was skeptical about how much influence the fash had in Ukraine but like every few days on /r/Ukraine there's another guy front and center with a Black Sun or something prominently displayed on his uniform, and the article is a glowing piece on how brave and heroic these guys are. Maybe /r/Ukraine is just insanely pro-fash, but it's fucking weird that they turn up so much if it really is just a few thousand guys in the entire country. And I've heard that when they "De-Nazified" Azob what actually happened was Azov guys got sent to lots of other units in authority roles and started pushing fash shits in those units, spreading their influence.

        • Thomas_Dankara [any,comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          but it’s fucking weird that they turn up so much if it really is just a few thousand guys in the entire country.

          And what's interesting about the "just a few thousand guys" rhetoric is that it ignores several other similar groups/parties like Kraken battalion, Svoboda, Right sector, etc. These groups coordinate and ally with each other pretty well. Then there's just the fact that the Ukrainian center-right is astonishingly good at whitewashing these groups for American media consumption. The black suns make it in but if you weren't keen on noticing things like that you'd be just like the libs who think these guys are based freedom fighters. There's photos of Oleg Tyahnybok, Svoboda leader, sieg heiling and also photos of him hanging out with Victoria Nuland, John McCain, and Amy Klobuchar. The Ukrainian far right is absolutely propped up by the USA. What I wish Americans understood is that there has been a Ukrainian civil war for 8 years, twice the length of the American one. Donbass has been subjected to shelling, assassinations, etc. Crimea voted to become part of Russia by referendum rather than being militarily annexed. When DPR/LPR tried to become autonomous within Ukraine, the civil war started. The East half of the country speaks Russian and Russian-Ukrainian hybrid dialects. A minority also speaks Greek. It is the West half of the country, near the Polish border, where most of the Bandera monuments are, where all the hardcore Ukrainian nationalists are, where most of the people pushing to ban the Russian language are, etc. The ethnic cleansing has been happening in the East, on behalf of the West. This has been a cold-war style proxy war for decades. The CIA has been doing its utmost to nazify Ukraine since the early 50s by supporting Banderist groups like the OUN and even smuggling Bandera out of Ukraine to protect him. America's role in this is so much more subtle than Russia's, because it is being conducted clandestinely, from across the Ocean, for decades, in Langley VA. That's what's fucked up. America can fuck with Ukraine 10,000 times but nobody notices, because they do it in subtle and clandestine ways. Putin was not subtle. That is why the world cried out in anger.

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]
            2 years ago

            Just one correction; The DPR and LPR didn't vote to join Russia. They voted to become an autonomous part of Ukraine. From what I understand they didn't want to secede, they wanted to keep the Russian language spoken by the majority and reduce the influence of the extremely hostile and Ukrainian Nationalist coup government.

            • TankieTanuki [he/him]
              2 years ago

              I'm pretty sure they're full on secessionists. Like you said, they never voted to join Russia, but they wanted sovereignty, not mere autonomy.


              "Do you support the Act of State Self-rule of the Donetsk People's Republic?" (89% Yes)

              Do you support the declaration of state independence of the Luhansk People's Republic? (96% Yes)


              The Donetsk People's Republic is a breakaway state [...]


              The Luhansk People's Republic is a breakaway state [...]

            • Thomas_Dankara [any,comrade/them]
              2 years ago

              You're right about the "international community" meme that they push to legitimize imperial core propaganda

              it’s hard to bring up CIA interference without sounding like Alex Jones to those people.

              even though I cite sources, like the CIA's declassified documents on project aerodynamic. There are real documents that actually exist and are available on the CIA website attest to the significant cooperation with OUN and other Banderist groups starting in the early 50s. I suppose a lot of people think stuff like that stopped after the Church Committee but the CIA scrapped its overt methodology and replaced it with a more subversive model that outsourced to the NED and other think tanks.

              I've also shown people testimonies from Mariupol where people talk about being used as human shields, and the national guard stationing artillery in residential areas. But I keep being told these people are liars because of who's interviewing them (Telegram channels, Pat Lancaster on Youtube, RT, etc.)