• GOLDENPONYboy [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    This is funny but another instance where logic cant be applied. They aren't upset that antifa is antifascist, they think antifa is just lying.

    Edit - yes im a party pooper

    • OgdenTO [he/him]
      4 years ago

      No, they are upset that antifa is anti-fascist. For a couple of reasons:

      1. they support the fascists - so they don't want to even think about people in opposition. They hate people who don't agree with them

      2. they don't like people claiming that what they support is fascism - this is the one they don't say out loud. They know that Hitler was bad, deep down, they don't like hearing that they support similar power structures.

      3. they love to criticize people who make a scene and are violent and inconvenience them (even something as small as stopping traffic - they don't like sitting in traffic). 3b) they don't agree with anything that non-whites have to say or complain about, and as a rule don't believe these groups that things are bad. They just don't care at all about minorities and therefore don't want to be inconvenienced by hearing about violence or protests. --> they don't want to recognize that fighting racism is a key factor in antifascist action, and that they are racist and therefore in line with fascists. Similar to point 2

      • GOLDENPONYboy [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        This is a more nuanced take, I don't think you're wrong, but I do know that 90% of people who hate anteefuh don't know what fascism is. I'd say they might hear that they hate Nazis and think 'well they're the ones out in the streets beating people and telling us how we should think, that sounds like Nazis and Communists to me!!' (Because they don't know the difference between any ideologies, or anything, really.)

        Edit your first point is basically this.

        • OgdenTO [he/him]
          4 years ago

          You're right, and I don't think I covered this fully - they don't know the meaning of non-fascist ideologies, ie communism. So equating communists to fascists is easy for them.

          This coupled with my first point that they are actually in support of the fascists, while in denial of their own racism and fascistic beliefs makes it easy way to just ignore the meaning of words altogether.