You can cure constipation without drugs!!
What you need to know about sex.
Oh my.
I can't tell if that's supposed to be a hunk of metal the guy's pinned under or if he's being cut out of a poorly drawn shark
Is it not depicting an underwater battle to the death with harpoons? Just look at the expression of triumph as he vanquished his foe.
I think he’s trying to pry a piece of wreckage off the guy. So actually this dude is just being a solid bro trying to help another bro out.
My guess is a mutant manta ray. What mutant manta ray wouldn't be on the scene where 1950s guys do their thing on the seafloor?
Bruh just eat some vegetables, no shit you're having trouble shitting when you have 10lbs of steak churning through your colon like dry cement.
Good to know the guys obsessed with manhood have always been like this.
Idk this seems LESS toxic than modern masculinity shit. I mean, saving a dude from drowning? Trying to cure your constipation? Exercise? Sex Ed? This all seems like fine stuff to me.
Stabbing a guy in the kidneys is a roundabout way to cure constipation i guess
I could be wrong here but I think he’s actually trying to pry up a piece of wreckage pinning the other guy down. So he’s actually just being a solid dude.
the "cure" for constipation is a bunch of drawings of different postures / methods to rock or slide back-and-forth on a toilet while smoking a cigarette.