their sus thread as an anti-literacy PMC librarian, they're like the Ron Swanson libertarian from Parks and Rec who got into government to destroy it? (Hexbear censors the slur in their user name so replace the @ with an A:
I feel safer around Islamophobic ex-Muslims than “leftist” Muslims because with the former you at least know what to expect but with the latter you never know if they’ll end up saying shit like this
>woke PMC feels safer with people who manufacture consent for imperialist genocide, than with colonized people in need of Marxism Leninist liberation
>anarchist using Hannah Arendt's no-materialism, whitewashing of capitalism as "the bureaucratic state is evil and the source of violence"
really funny to hear neoliberals whine about their idealist conception of safety in between shitting on colonized people who are materially in need of safety. This reminds me of the PMC anarchist Emily Gorcenski who said "tankies get the drone" after the harsh and unforgiving response to her proud, patriotic anti-Trump trans-imperialist tweets, and her contributions to holocaust technocracy by researching drones that follow people. These narcissist fail-millennials literally believe having solidarity with their bad mental health is more important and revolutionary than being comrades with the international struggle against fascism lol
Have you ever once seen a neoliberal cry about the bad mental health of their African child slaves, who let them write these radlib tweets from their iphone? Sorry woke parasites, but you should feel bad for subscribing to satanic CIA synthetic left ideology :maybe-later-kiddo:
Complaining about PMCs? ✅
Vaguely sectarian? ✅
Farm fresh word salad? ✅
Oh yeah, it's BMF posting time :big-cool:
I don't even think BMF is being vague about the sectarianism it's just nobody has a fucking clue what they're saying so they get away with it.
Yeah good point. This one is up there on the :jesse-wtf: scale.
But this line, "Have you ever once seen a neoliberal cry about the bad mental health of their African child slaves...?" kind of slaps.
It was a bit buzzwordy but I actually found it clear, what didn't you understand?
I think it's that it's obviously sectarianism, but on such specific takes that pretty much everyone on this site disagrees with. Most of the time, anyways. Bug food aside.
Getting banned for sectarianism is the reason they change handles so often. They skirt by until they don’t and then they restart with a new name. It’s honestly impressive
Have you ever once seen a neoliberal cry about the bad mental health of their African child slaves
Tattoo this onto the forehead of every private liberal arts college student that pays $65k+ a year in tuition to be told that progress (tm) just means making it easier for themselves to get a high paying job in the empire of eternal blood
That's the link from the last line of the tweet anyway
That is such a lib take though. US conservatives get compared to conservatives in other states every day.
That's because BMF/apparitionist/ides_of_Merch is twice as smart as any college professor you've ever met. We just aren't on his level yet.
They were also throwing around "statist" pretty liberally in that original thread so they are probably more libertarian than anarchist, their own self description notwithstanding.
Why does anyone still give these people any shred of attention other than “haha dum dum🗿” and then move on?
I always give the benefit of the doubt to the weird anarchist takes, like maybe they're getting into the more academic/philosophical side of theory
Then they post shit like this