It's hell.

  • GothWhitlam [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Bodily autonomy is the biggest thing I see. We've been keen on asking our children before we do anything to them, and where it's something we have to do, we talk to them about why we have to do it. Even for toddlers that shit is important.

    Corporal punishment is like an inflated version of that for me. Like kids have no ownership at all over their bodies and actions. It shows in heaps of forms - wrenching a child by the arms, twisting their ears, a snack on the butt for being naughty, locking them away during a tantrum. Full abuse is just a step away from any of these, but a lot of these are socially acceptable.

    Basically, it's when a 'punishment' doesn't at all match the infraction. We'd call it unjust for an adult, but for kids it's seen as 'how they learn'

    • GothWhitlam [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Also, sorry for the rambling post. Currently covered in toddlers.