Every. Time. Every time someone on the internet mentions violence against women you can be damn sure there is some dude just waiting for the chance to tell them they aren't oppressed because their male friend got their wallet stolen once and that's totally the same thing.
How do you know when someone isn't a vegan? They'll tell you :grillman:
Just be seen with a vegetable within a one mile radius around a grill and prepare for the unhinged rant about how perfectly evolution equipped humans for a diet of testosterone-glazed pork chops.
While it's true men are considerably more likely to be the victims of violence the difference between a bar fight or getting mugged vs getting raped seems like a really important difference to keep in mind.
Also how those crimes would be reported. "He probably wanted to be mugged, look at his clothes."
Honestly reminds me of how some schools handle bullying. If you're friends with the coach or the VP or the designated school hog patrol, you can get away with anything shy of murder because the other kid was asking for it. But pushing back on the entitled brats will get you expelled.
Wouldn't be surprised if the number of reported muggings also skew heavily rich and white.
You remember that Scott Adam tweet about being mugged of $5,000 6 or 8 times? I don't think that happens to women or POC.
Also dudes don't tend to be harassed in ways like stalking and being followed home. Or having a group of dudes walking behind you discussing what they're going to "do" to you.
When I was a 15 year old girl I remember being at a party and a guy loudly banging on the bathroom door I was in while I was peeing. He was screaming at me to let him because he "knew I was into him" in for half an hour before he gave up and left. That's not exactly a crime but it still fucks you up. Especially as a kid.
WTF :what-the-hell:
why are there guys like this :thonk-cri:
Have a big hug :meow-hug:
I hate constantly being surprised by more ways society, men in particular, make life hard for women or people who look like women.
And that story is just awful. I can't imagine going through that.
You think having a little womanly period is an inconvenience ?!?
Have you considered that my pee pee drip a little sometimes, huh
Okay honestly that is annoying. Why was society built around men but it's still tricky at times to operate a toilet? I absolutely hate toilets built so you have to push your penis down or the urine splashes out the front and gets on your pants. Sorry to hijack this post, women definitely have worse bathroom-related issues in our society because of sexism.
That sucks comrade. It just feels awkward for me, just sitting there holding my penis down.
Trying not to accidentally scoot forward for fear of dick plague
Pee in the shower. It’s the least bad scenario. Also use the shower after.
Setting up Google alerts as a cringey ass bat symbol for protecting mens good name in the market place of ideas
Interesting. I.wonder why there might be more men out at night. Or why crimes against men might actually be reported.
Call me an idealist but can't we make places safer for both men and women to walk about after dark? I mean it seems like many of the steps you'd take to do so would probably overlap quite a bit? Decent lighting for instance and all that.
Yeah seems kind of like a false dichotomy on both ends. Why shouldn’t we create a society that’s safer for everyone? Why does this “debate” between whether men or women are the real victims of violent crime even matter whatsoever? Some sort of oppression Olympics? The policies that would make the area safer for women would also make it safer for men and vice versa, it just seems like it’s all a distraction that prevents these policies being talked about (because instead we are arguing over whether men or women are bigger victims)
Yeah I really don't get why people like this feel the need to jam the oar in. Specificly discussing (in this instance I am guessing here) dangers faced by women walking about at night isn't saying 'fuck all those men who get assaulted' but they sure like to act as if it is.
It's because the dude arguing in the picture doen't actually feel unsafe at night he just wants an opportunity to shit on feminism
Call me an idealist but can’t we make places safer for both men and women to walk about after dark?
No. This is literally impossible. All we can do is complain about the other gender not recognizing our lived experience while we do genocide on the homeless.
Your best bet is to stop rewarding psychopathy in our society and also defragment our communities
Yep. Always funny when some psychologists rediscover that the traits for psychopaths and successful CEO's are basically the same and everyone just scratches their head and goes 'huh. Weird. Oh well, I'm sure society will function just fine if we give them a shit tonne of power and zero responsibility'